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Vi Shahan

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Cherishing You
10/27/2005 1:59:58 PM
Falling In love With Yourself Many people, in seeking out love, tend to look outward rather than inward. Yet falling in love with yourself can be just as wonderful an experience as falling in love with someone else. While the idea of falling in love with ourselves may be perceived as conceited or selfish, choosing to fall in love with who you are is a powerful act of self-love. When you fall in love with yourself, you can't help but experience a wonderful sense of discovery. You begin to look at yourself again through fresh eyes, becoming more attentive to the little details that make you so unique. Once you discover how much there is about you to fall in love with, you can't help but want to treat yourself as lovingly and respectfully as you would treat anyone who is special to you. You start to give to yourself more because you become more attentive to your own needs and desires. Choosing to fall in love with yourself is a very personal process that takes time. There is no magic wand you can wave to make this just happen. But there is the magic of your intention and the power of your actions, whether you are taking the time to do the activities you like, speaking to and treating yourself with respect, taking inventory of all your wonderful qualities and accomplishments, or nurturing yourself with plenty of rest and self-care. When you fall in love with yourself, you begin to see yourself more positively, appreciate your unique outlook on life, and treat yourself in a more nurturing way. In loving yourself, you are acknowledging that you are special and deserving of love. Best of all, you are giving yourself one of the greatest gifts you have to give another. You are giving yourself the gift of your love.
"Change Your Mind." "Change Your Life." Vi Shahan Website:
Re: Cherishing You
10/27/2005 2:15:55 PM
What a concept! I have heard we can't really love someone if we don't love ourself. This takes that to a whole new level. Thanks for your interesting idea,

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Ana Maria Padurean

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Re: Cherishing You
10/27/2005 3:46:46 PM
This is a very interesting topic, Vi. Thank you for posting this. I agree 100%. One can not love somebody else if is not pleased with him/her self. Lack of confidence leads to all kind of jelousy/envy. And a jelous or envyous person miss HAPPYNES.
Shelly Hargis

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Re: Cherishing You
10/27/2005 4:33:25 PM
Hi Vi. This is so Very True. It is Important to Love Yourself, It also can Be done in a Way that You dont have to be or act conceited. Just Respecting Yourself and Knowing that Yourself is Just as Important as anyone else is, Is Something we Must All come to Terms with. I May not be Satisfied with some Details of Myself, Like My Weight, For Instance, But I do Know that I have a Purpose and Meaning in Life. Everyone Does. I also am Happy Being Shelly. I would Not want to be anyone Else. Yes, I could have had a Better Life, Body, etc...LOL, But This is who I Am. No one Else in the World is Shelly Hargis. Just Me. :) Everyone is Unique and Special. Thank You Vi. That is a Wonderful Topic. :) Your Friend, Shelly Hargis
Re: Cherishing You
10/27/2005 8:25:10 PM
Vi, I don't know if this is true or not, but I have heard it said that if you can't love yourself who can!
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