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Dave Cottrell

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Visit your friends' websites and link up
10/7/2005 4:24:13 AM
Hello everyone, This is to encourage everyone to visit their friends' websites and sign their guestbook if they have one, leave a link if they have a website, or put a link to their site on your site. Did you know that every time you sign someone's guestbook and put your sig file at the bottom, you're leaving a link to your site that the search engines will find? It's not only good for business, but people who have guestbooks love to have guests sign them! Also, if everyone on Adlandpro were to share links, it would boost everyone's search engine traffic, which is some of the best, targetted traffic you can get. We have a both a guestbook and a links page on They are moderated, so you can be sure that your link will be among only quality links. Blasters cannot post links to our pages, which means your link will be visible for a long time. Please note that we DO NOT require a reciprocal link, but we do like them! :) I encourage you to visit all your friends' websites, and take a good look at them. There are some very interesting sites, and a vast variety of products and information. God bless, Dave
Beverly Armstrong

385 Posts
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Re: Visit your friends' websites and link up
10/7/2005 4:29:09 AM
Good post Dave a simple act of good manners and better traffic for you in return. such a simple act. good manners usually have a very positive response though don't they? :)
Beverly Armstrong NC., Health & Website Consultant, Trainer, Writer & Entreprenuer, Network Marketing & Tutorials
Ricardo Alcaraz

203 Posts
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Re: Visit your friends' websites and link up
10/7/2005 4:37:15 AM
Hello Dave, I've visited your site and posted on your links page. Thanks again. Ricardo
Donna Lira

572 Posts
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Re: Visit your friends' websites and link up
10/7/2005 4:40:37 AM
Hi Dave, Thanks for the invite and for sharing that great TIP and of course reminding us of the courtesy to our fellow community members. It is just a simply act that we so easily forget; thanks for the reminder. Warm regards, Donna aka texgirl
Dave Cottrell

2802 Posts
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Re: Visit your friends' websites and link up
10/7/2005 5:00:42 AM
Hi Beverly, Thank you for your response! You are so right about good manners - in fact, it is amazing how much difference it makes to just treat others the way we would like to be treated. We all love and need to be loved! God bless, Dave