Empowerism is a great company for webmasters or any internet business person looking for a boost in leads and other resources. Here is what you get for $19.95 per month:
50 Leads
Auto Responder
Search Engine Submissions for 20 web pages
Access to Internet Marketing tutorials and guides.
Subscription to Empowerism's Excellence Magazine
$20 commission for each FastStart sign up
$6 for every person in your downline that remains a member of Empowerism each month
$1 for every person in your matrix
A 3x9 forced matrix that creates the potential for you to make over $29,000 per month.
The cost for the 1st month is $24.95, which I will rebate back $20 of that to you so your first month is only $4.95. After that, it's just $19.95 per month. You must have a PayPal account to take advantage of this offer. You will receive a free membership to the Home Income Team. You will receive free support and advice from me.
This is a HOT program, and it will not take you long to build a strong downline within a couple of months. Just simply offer this same rebate to your sign-ups.
Click this link to join: http://www.empowerism.com/e/102939/
Next, be sure to email me at kindramart@yahoo.com with the subject "$20 Empowerism Rebate"
Include your Full Name, Paypal Email Address and your Empowerism ID #
Then, Click this link:
Start promoting your splash pages like crazy using this same rebate technique...it works!