Hello my friends,
The two most important words:
"Thank you." The most important word :"WE",
The least important word:"I".
There is an old saying that goes, "It needs more skill than I can tell, to play the second fiddle well".
Along that line, Leonard Bernstein was once asked which instrument was the most difficult to play. He thought for a moment and said,
"the second fiddle.I can get plenty of first violinists,but to find someone who can play the second fiddle with enthusiasm- thats a problem.
And if we have no second fiddle, we have no harmony".
General Robert E.Lee was a man who knew the value of playing second fiddle. This great general never stopped being a true southern
genleman. Once, while riding on a train to Richmond,he was seated at the rear of the car. All the other places were filled with
officers and soldiers. A poorly dressed, elderly woman boarded the coach at a rural station,
and finding no seat offered to her, she trudged down the aisle toward the back og the car.
Immediately, Lee stood up and offered her his place. One after another of the men then arose and offered the general his seat. "No,
gentle- men,"he replied, "If there is none for this lady, there can be none for me!"
Genuine humility is what prompts us to offer a heartfelt thank you and to favor others over ourselves.
Do not be selfish... Be humble,Thinking of others as better than yourself.
Philippians 2:3
Many Blessings to all my friends,Kathy Martin