As one of the watching world I feel moved to give you a view from abroad.
I do not intend to get involved "in politics" especially as it is not directly my politics (it is indirectly of course because of the size of American influence).
You mention the divides like healthcare. These are not really the issue.
The real issue is one of change. Change has had to be endured and encompassed by Americans from day one of it's discovery. The biggest change then was for native americans, then came the changes brought about by the influences of each invading/occupying/invited country. This resulted in the huge diversity of American citizenship.It's a factor in America's greatness.
Whatever your personal views about the last Presidential Election IT WAS AN EPIC MOMENT OF CHANGE. IT WAS INEVITABLE.
Not only did the election of Obama signal a huge step forward for black americans it placed a man in power who saw a vision beyond party politics and religion. Yes, there was a party ticket, he could not have made it without. I am aware that many will claim that he was just used etc. You can go on for ever with theories, however, it does not change the fact that you now have a man of vision. You have a man that carries the hopes of many black americans and of other American's who share a wish for equal rights within your society.
The world is entering the biggest shift in power ever experienced on earth. Power lies within information and communications and with numbers. (There are more degree graduates in India than the whole population of the US). Within a few years China will be the largest English speaking nation on earth, India will pass that soon afterwards.
Industrial changes due to global warming, global warming itself, these are just a few of the MASSIVE changes that are affecting your nation and others around the world, even if you don't accept these things as true, the affect of others believing are significant.
Getting to the point. You have a man determined to make HUGE changes to American life, he is saddled with past decisions and deeds and with the collapse of world banking, the discrediting of politicians worldwide, international terrorism and the growth of third world countries into superpowers he is in an unenviable position, but he relishes it.
There are those who HATE CHANGE, those who think that your whole constitution is threatened, those who think that the American way of life is under threat. All of this is understandable. Things have been, and will be, done in your name that you will hate and be ashamed of. We in Britain live with our past and those Americans who view us in a bad light have to remember that things like those we did are being done in your name today. Power ALWAYS corrupts.
I have only one suggestion to your question.
Concentrate upon where you want to go. Stay positive and give positive demands to your government and those you elect.
In a country as diverse as yours there will never be a concensus of opinion. The best you can hope for is that the majority will have a similar vision for the future. Grab that vision and run with it.
As for what the world sees and thinks, who cares? Conduct yourselves with pride and humanity and pray that the rest of the world shares your dream.
You can change history but you cannot determine the consequences no matter how big and powerful you are.
There are those who will never accept that the United States of America will be eclipsed by others. IT WILL HAPPEN. There are still people in Britain, where I live, who cannot believe that we have lost the power of the biggest empire the world has ever seen, BUT IT HAS GONE. We have left a residue both great and terrible and America WILL DO THE SAME. I GUARANTEE IT.
Ensure that when your POWER is eclipsed that you have built relationships with those who eclipse you. You are among the most innovative nations on earth, make sure that you remain that way and that others are taught to remember that.
As a nation you still have a great future but it won't be as it is now.
I send this with my love and respect for your great country. It is my privilege to share friendships with many of your citizens and I have great faith that you will find a great new future but it will not be without pain.