World Without Dum Dums
Diane Francis is a dum dum. Diane Francis, is a writer for the National Post, the USA Today of Canada. Ms. Francis authored a piece this week titled: “The Real Inconvenient Truth (The whole world needs to adopt China's one-child policy)” It begins thusly:
“The ‘inconvenient truth’ overhanging the UN's Copenhagen conference is not that the climate is warming or cooling, but that humans are overpopulating the world.
A planetary law, such as China's one-child policy, is the only way to reverse the disastrous global birthrate currently, which is one million births every four days.
The world's other species, vegetation, resources, oceans, arable land, water supplies and atmosphere are being destroyed and pushed out of existence as a result of humanity's soaring reproduction rate.”
This is mind numbingly stupid on so many levels and proof positive that the world would be much better off without dum dums like Ms. Francis. I don’t mean to suggest by that last statement, or the title of this article, that people like Ms. Francis do not have the right to exist, or should be placed in quarantine so that their epic stupidity doesn’t threaten healthy brains. Instead, I am suggesting that if we returned to teaching facts in our schools with an emphasis on problem solving based on analytical rather than emotional thinking, they would not exist. The few kooks that inevitably fall through the cracks, would be more readily recognizable to a much larger number of people.
Lets shine the light of reason on the three ridiculous statements that Ms. Francis opens her half-baked article with.
She compounds the already vapid reality of a world conference being held to discuss world wide climate change, a phenomenon that man has no power to control outside of science fiction novels and comic books, with the concept that the world is in danger of being overrun with people. This is patently absurd when one considers that man lives in cities, towns, villages etc., which constitute a mere 2% of the earth’s geography, including roads and highways.
I remember reading years ago that the entire population of the earth could fit comfortably in the state of Texas. Being the type that has to see it for himself I did the math. Texas is 268,581 square miles according to, a square mile = 27,878,400 square feet, the earth's population was at 6,714,632,542 at the time of this notation. (March 2006)
268,581 x 27'878,400= 7,487,608,550,400 divided by 6,714,632,542 = 1,115 square feet per person.
To put this in perspective, a family of 5 like my own, could have a 5,575 square foot mansion. Much larger than our current digs. The world population neatly in Texas, with the rest of the breathtakingly fertile and verdant U.S. for farmland and not a single soul anywhere else on the surface of the earth, how does that fit into your Malthusian world view?
“And the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand: and I heard the number of them.” Revelation 9:13
The Bible states that the King of the East, an enormous Asian power, will field an army of 200 Million men during the Battle of Armageddon. An incredible number until you remember that China has a population of 1.3 Billion.
China’s one child per family policy has rendered China the most desperate nation in the history of the world. Because of the bias towards male children in their culture, there are not enough women to go around as girls are aborted in staggering numbers in favor of boys. This means millions of boys born, who will never have a wife or family of their own. They literally have nothing to lose.
China has a suicide rate that is 2.3 times the global average, with a high percentage consisting of rural females. This is unnatural and it is wreaking havoc in Chinese society. Ms. Francis made an appearance on The Factor. With Laura Ingraham serving as guest host wherein she declared that she was a feminist. How do you enforce a policy like China’s one child rule without forcing women to have abortions? You can’t! It would mean the end of reproductive rights for women. Not a very sound feminist notion and decidedly ungodly.
As for man destroying resources, people really do not have an appreciation for the shear immensity of the earth. I don’t care if you gave a brand new box of super straws to every living person after we move them to Texas, we couldn’t put a dent in the Great Lakes alone. Silly ideas like climate change and population control cause real suffering to befall real people.
The policies driven by idiotic notions like anthropogenic climate change will hurt poor and needy people more than anyone else. We refuse to exploit enormous supplies of natural resources while people struggle to heat their homes. We pay higher prices for goods and services because of false and unnecessary energy shortages.
We have this thing twisted, the greatest natural resource on earth is man. We need more people not less. The late great American economist Julian Simon debunked all of this sort of simpleminded hokum years ago. I implore you to read this brilliant article about Simon on “The Doomslayer”. Especially you liberal global warming kool-aid drinking, green blooded, tree hugging alarmist, empty headed democratic party supporting, Obama lickspittles.
The very idea that the media has focused 15% more attention on the amorous misadventures of Tiger Woods, than the real world impacting Climategate story is appalling. The notion that the Democrats are about to shove energy policies down our throats that are going to cripple us, based on a lie, should be front page news.
It has since come to light that Ms. Francis, herself, is the mother of two children. Given her new philosophy on population control, I wonder, if given a do over, which of her two children she would wish unborn so that she could be compliant with her earth friendly family ideas?
To Ms Francis, I can only quote William F. Buckley, Jr. as I am wont to do on occasion:
“I won't insult your intelligence by suggesting that you really believe what you just said.”
Ms. Francis, Al Gore, Barack Obama and the whole liberal Democratic crackpot party are not a few fries short of a happy meal in the sense that they didn’t get all the fries they should have, they are not crazy. We the American people are the fries. And if I can mix metaphorical franchises here, in an attempt to “have it their way” the politicians are not ordering fries with their meals at all as they disregard the will of the people in this “post political” Obama administration’s approach to governing.
Everything they plan to do is contrary to common sense, everything! Please stop and think before you nod your head in agreement because you identify with a political party or a person’s skin color. Use your head for something other than a place to try out the latest hair product, Think! If you do, by and by, we can realize a world without dum dums.
Digital Publius