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Perfect and Immortal

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2012 homo spiritus [the sixth race]
8/8/2009 5:26:49 PM
details for any reason 2012 in Perspective As we progress inexorably towards the now iconic date of 21 December 2012, the rumour, speculation and fantasy machine is moving into overdrive resulting in ever more confusion, concern and fantasy. Speculation about what it all means for humanity ranges from the sublime to the ridiculous and every eventuality in between, with an equally wide range of hidden agendas. My observations have led me to believe that the vast majority of these ideas presented as fact originate from a wide array intangible evidence, and misinterpretation of the facts, or even fiction, with proponents often cobbling together fragments of stories from a wide range of sources in order to create a new idea, often presented as fact, but with no supporting evidence. Many such ideas point towards monuments and artefact's that might be loosely related to 2012 and the transition in some way, and declare them to be evidential. Another potentially dangerous trend is the increasing number of people claiming to "channel" a wide variety of exalted Beings, including, but not limited to Jesus, Archangels, Ascended Masters, Pleaidians, and Planetary Spirit Gaia Herself. I will not spend too much time on this subject, but suffice it to say that, as with so called "prophecies", I do not regard any information from a channeled source to be evidential in any way. It is virtually impossible to known who the non-physical communicators really are, what their motives are and how they know what they claim to convey. I can say that probably 99.9% of such communicators are Astral entities, who will claim to be anyone the channeler believes them to be - keeping in Mind these entities know the thoughts of the channeler - in order to be taken seriously, and they have no hesitation in outright lying about it. Of course some such entities genuinely wish to assist humanity, and simply see such deception as necessary and justified, but others seek to deceive humanity in order to drag humanity down with them. I could not say which variety of entity form the majority, but I do know that the consequences of making a wrong choice are so serious as to not to take the risk in the first place. That said, I also believe there are a very few genuine channels for genuinely advanced Beings, who are certainly interested in guiding humanity through the transition that we are facing in the next few years. These advanced Beings are usually recognisable for Who they are due to the mode of communication and the messages conveyed. Such evolved Beings, often evolved human beings in fact, reside at much higher level of Energy vibration than the physical Earth. It would therefore be virtually impossible for such an evolved being communicating from that level of vibration, to directly communicate with a person residing in a mortal body on the Earth level of vibration - such an situation might well physically "kill" the channeler, or at the very least drive them insane. There are however various mechanisms that can be and are employed in order to mediate the difference in these Energy levels, effectively acting as a "step-down transformer" as is familiar in electrical circuits, and acting in much the same way for much the same reasons - everything is Energy. This is usually managed from the Spirit side of the channel, aware as they are of the importance of these Energy differences, and hos best to reconcile them for the purposes of communication, without harming the channeler. Turning to other forms of "evidence" often presented, often pointing to the Maya themselves - even the records in stone left by the Maya called "stelae" cannot be regarded as evidential per se, because although they most certainly indicate the "end times" we are currently experiencing, absolutely nowhere do these records indicate how these end times will be experienced. In addition to the records left in stone, the Maya also created thousands of documents recording their culture known as "codices" which would have surely revealed considerably more about the Maya and their culture and calendrical systems. However, when the Europeans arrived, the Roman Catholic church ordered the total destruction by burning of these codices, as part of their policy of forcibly converting the Mayan people to the Roman Catholic church, the consequences of which can only be imagined. A further example of symbolic evidence, and one that has become increasingly popular in recent years is the "Cross of Hendaye" located in South West France. This artifact consists of a cross upon a large stone bases, upon which are carved various alchemical symbols, which some have interpreted to be indicative of some forthcoming catastrophe and the end times. Whilst I fully understand the Hermetic and alchemical symbolism depicted on this monument, and would agree that it is almost certainly related to the transition of the ages that we are now experiencing, the question still arises as to who constructed this monument, why, what did they use as the basis of their message, and did they know something that we as yet do not? The point is this - it is easy to become captivated by the monument and its symbolism, which is after all most interesting, but without knowing its history it remains yet another interesting artifact with no proven basis in fact or firm evidence of what we are facing. Accordingly, to me at least, they simply represent yet another piece in a large and complex jigsaw puzzle, all the pieces to which we may or may not discover and interpret. Now before I proceed, I would once again like to make one fact absolutely clear, and I simply cannot stress this enough: Whatever the consensus Mind and Consciousness of the human race and of all life on Earth believes will happen over the next few years, will indeed happen - of that you can be absolutely sure. If the majority believe in a cataclysm then the Universe will oblige, and perhaps 95% of all life on Earth could be destroyed. If on the other hand the majority believe in awakening, enlightenment and Spiritual evolution, then this will be the result, and humanity will have progressed to the next evolution, of human that I refer to as "Homo Spiritus". These are not random processes. In the past there have been numerous examples of both including but not limited to the evolution of humans from for example Neanderthal to Cro Magnon, the first recognisable "modern" humans that led to where we are today, and also massive purgative or "mass extinction" events as with the "great flood" and of course Atlantis and Lemuria as well as numerous other great civilisations, the evidence for which has actually been discovered 200 feet under the sea in various parts of the world. How did these large, sophisticated and robust civilisations suddenly transition from normality to 2000 feet beneath the sea, possibly in a very short space of time? I also believe it likely that other mass extinction events such as those that wiped out the dinosaurs, also coincided with the transition of these ages, which relate to life on Earth, not just humanity. It should be clear to anyone as to how the end of the "age of the dinosaurs", eventually facilitated the evolution of human beings. These events are not random either in terms of periodicity or consequences. They are rather completely normal aspects of greater Universal cycles of Energy. I am of the view therefore that all of these great, pivotal events that shaped the future of life on Earth, ultimately leading to where we are today, coincided with the end of one great age, and the beginning of the next. It is also likely that these ages were divided into lesser and greater ages, the lesser occuring every 6000 years or so at the precessional quarters of the equinox, resulting in the different ages of "modern" man for example, and the end of a great age every 25800 years or so after one complete cycle of the precession of the equinox, resulting in a potentially much greater evolutionary leap. This alone would appear to provide some tangible indication that we are indeed approaching an era of great change, the precise nature of which will be finally decided by the consciousness of humanity. I am however, due to the importance and consequences of what humanity is facing over the next few years, only concerned with the facts. There simply is not time to pursue fantasies and speculation at a time when humanity must prepare itself for what is to come. Humanity, accompanied by all life on Earth is rapidly approaching a "speed bump" on our collective path. How we approach and negotiate this speed bump will determine whether humanity and life on Earth will crash and burn - or evolve - it really is that simple. The key, as I have mentioned before and will continue to so so is human Consciousness together with the Consciousness of all life on Earth, and of course Earth, great Planetary Spirit Gaia herself. I therefore turn to the Mayans for tangible clues to what awaits us. The classic Maya were one of the most advanced races ever to have walked the Earth - keeping in Mind that we must not make the error of equating "advancement" with "technology", in fact the reverse is true in absolute terms. The Mayans were many things including but not limited to Astronomers, Cosmologists, Astrophysics ts, Mathematicians and Astrologers. For all that however they had two main tools at their disposal for their work, which made it all the more impressive and they were these: 1. Observation of the cosmos 2. Shamanic exploration At this stage I will refrain from discussing the shamanic aspect for reasons I will make clear later. From an observational perspective the Maya were dedicated observers of the night sky, which became central to Mayan mythology and the Mayan culture generally. They would also have been observers of the Sun and therefore solar activity. What were the Maya fundamentally looking for? The answer is almost certainly predictable "cycles" which would then in turn form the basis of their entire culture at all levels, as well as the future of humanity, all life on Earth and Gaia Herself. The entire Universe operates in cycles, some so minute or so massive that we cannot detect them from our temporal respecified scientific instruments, but others in between which are much more obvious such as the cycles of the year we known as the four "seasons". The Maya were interested in cycles of every magnitude, knowing them to fundamentally influence reality as a whole, with which of course we are all intimately connected. The resultant Mayan calendrical systems functioned in many ways like modern astrology, but many orders of magnitude more advanced and accurate, and which were clearly capable of operating accurately from time scales of seconds, to probably millions of years, or even the entire lifespan of the planet. So what was it in the night sky the Maya were particularly interested in which led to the creation of their Long Count Calendar, and consequently the iconic 21 December 2012 end date for their calendar? The answer is the Galaxy, or more specifically Galactic Centre relative to Earth, also to include the Solar System. The Maya also observed and measured the precession of the Equinoxes as previously mentioned. In addition to tangible observation, the Maya were also acutely aware of non-physical cycles of Energy and the potential causal effects upon life on Earth, and in particular human beings. The Maya supported their physical observations with Shamanic observations which were facilitated by the use of a very specific group of chemical compounds extracted from natural sources, Mind-expanding substances known as "entheogens" of which there are various derivatives and chemical variations including N,N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT), 5-Methoxy-N,N-Dimethyltryptamine (5-MeO-DMT) and 5-Hydroxy-N,N-Dimethyltryptamine (5-OH-DMT) known as "bufotenine" due, being extracted from the skin of toads of genus "Bufo". So the Maya were not only able to observe physical cosmic cycles, they were also able to observe non-physical cycles of Energy, as well as to access the vast and information stored as Energy, often conceptualised as the "Akashic Record", which contains all the information in the entire Universe, including physical parallel Universe and inner Energy Levels, throughout what people know as the "past", present" and the quantum probabilities that we may regard as the probable future. Shamanic exploration would also have enabled the Maya to project their conscious awareness to the Galactic Centre itself, for closer observation and therefore understanding of the Energy and cycles emanating from there. These then I am certain formed the basis of the knowledge of the Maya, and their legacy today, as well as the immediate destiny of the human race and all life on Earth. Now at this point I must stress that the Maya never, ever put forward "prophecies". A "prophecy" is the supposed prediction of future events. I would like to make it absolutely clear that it is absolutely impossible to contrive such a prophecy, and anyone who purports to do so, or to "tell the future" might be regarded in that context. "Time" does not exist except as an illusion of the corporeal senses and the conscious sphere of operation of the Mind as it operates within the sphere of the space-time continuum. Accordingly the "future", like "time", does not exist except as a human concept. What people erroneously refer to as the "future" only exists as an infinite number of probabilities, one or more of which can eventually exert their influence under the influence of Mind in the present moment of Now - the "future" only becomes true in the actual moment it is observed and experienced in the present moment of Now. In the context of the transition we are facing, there are a very wide range of quantum probabilities that have the Energy potential to exert an influence over the next few years. These include but are not limited to physical factors such as the Sun, Galactic Centre and extra-terrestrial objects, and non-physical potential in the form of Energy including cycles of Energy. And again Universal Principle will hold true - the potential factors that will finally exert their influence will be directly proportional to Mind and Consciousness in that moment of Now. So the Maya new about these factors based upon their observations, and factored them into their predictions. Note I use the word "prediction"" because the legacy of the Maya is predicated in fact and not in some form of mystical speculation based upon the Conscious Mind and/or the Ego otherwise known as "prophecy". So 21 December 2012 is not a "prophecy" it is a scientifically derived prediction that the classic Maya were able to formulate based upon their physical observation of the cosmos, and non-physical shamanic explorations, together with their vast understanding of these Universal forces which were uncontaminated by individual interest, agenda or motive, influence of the Ego, or some other ulterior motive in the interests of power and control. This then forms the firm basis of my own research into 2012. Turning to the Mayan Long Count Calendar, what were the Maya concerned with? I absolutely believe, by virtue of extensive research by Mayan researchers of whom I have the utmost respect, that the Maya were concerned with events related to the centre of our Galaxy, i.e. Galactic Centre, as it relates to Earth and in particular the precession of the equinoxes a confluence and significance of which the Maya were unquestionably aware of by virtue of their cosmic and shamanic observations and astounding ability to make sense of it all. It is indeed this "sense" that we must replicate as our source of understanding of information relating to the transition that we are now facing. It is clear from the ancient artifacts, notably in the form of the stone "stelae" remaining at classic Mayan sites, and their culture which included strategically positioned "ball parks", that the Maya, in this context were primarily concerned with events at the centre of our Galaxy, in other words Galactic Centre which they clearly deemed to be instrumental in shaping the future direction of humanity and life on Earth. What then lies at Galactic Centre that could be of so much interest and significance to the Maya, and which could possibly be implicated in any future evolutional direction for our small planet? The solution, I believe rests in an aspect of the Galactic Centre that we cannot actually see, but yet many scientists now believe exists, and the Maya absolutely knew existed - specifically a super-massive Energy structure known as a "black hole". It is beyond the scope of this short newsletter to discuss the science of black holes generally, but in any event we are only concerned with its characteristics as pertains to the transition of the ages and of any related 2012 event. A black hole has associated with it massive Energy, and it is this Energy that we are concerned with and the Maya were almost certainly concerned with when formulating the potential causation as a result of the events predicted by their long count calendar. Energy is everything - literally - Energy shaped by Mind - either Universal Mind in the context of all creation, the Macrocosm, or individual Mind in the context of our own individual experiential reality - our own individual Universe - the Microcosm. It is almost certain that this massive Energy vortex at Galactic Centre - the same Energy that probably holds the very fabric of the Galaxy together - will form the primary influence over the range of events that could manifest over the next few years, in turn under the influence of the collective Mind or Consciousness of the human race, which will in turn contribute towards the shaping of the next phase of existence, evolution or otherwise of the human race and of all life on Earth. Like all Energy, this particular Energy will ultimately respond to only one primary influence - Mind at both an indivudual and consensual level. Of course ultimately all Universal events and the Divine operation and order of the Universe are all under the influence of Universal Mind, of which we and all in creation are integral, inseparable aspects - everything is ultimately connected. Of course this Galactic Centre Super Energy Field is not the only possible influence by any means. In accordance with the range of potential events and challenges facing life on Earth over the next few years, many other factors external to our planet will or could exert an influence, including, but not limited to Solar activity and extra-terrestrial bodies, often known as "Near Earth Objects". Of one factor I am absolutely certain at this juncture. The primary source of infiuence over the immediate destiny of humanity, life on Earth and Earth herself will be Energy, the only real questions being these: 1. What will be the origin of the causal Energy? 2. In what form will the Energy manifest? 3. What will be the causal effects of that Energy? 4. What influences will determine the causation? 5. Over what time period will the causation extert its influence? These then are the questions I will be seeking to answer as events unfold. But again, and I will keep repeating this statement due to its extreme importance: All of the factors listed above will ultimately be determined by one primary factor - Mind - of which consciousness is a fundamental aspect. Whatsoever the consensus of humanity, life on Earth and Earth Herself Expects to happen, Believe will happen, and has Faith in happening, will happen - of this truth I have not the slightest doubt. Most of the so called "modern countries" on Earth are no longer governed by a democracy but rather by a mediocracy, in ottherwords through the power of the press and other popular media. These in turn are largely controlled by those who seek to deny humanity of its true destiny in the interests of power and control. It is crucal therefore not to look towards external factors for guidance, but rather always start by looking within and asking the right questions, as well as seeking those who wish only to see humanity evolve to its next glorious evolution, but at the same time accepting only that which you know intuitively to be true. It is however beyond the scope of this short introduction in this newsletter to expand upon these factors further, and we will indeed surely do so in a future newsletter, but for those interested I have also prepared a short overview, to expand upon this brief introduction, and which will also form the basis of my ongoing analysis of 2012 and the transition of the ages as events progress: Please bookmark this page and if you have a blog or website please link to it and encourage others to do the same. As I mention on that page I intend this resource to be a "beacon of Light" in what is becoming an increasingly confused and often biased and distorted picture of "2012" and the transition of the ages, at a time when total clarity, knowledge and right-thinking, right action and harmony is crucial to the future of humanity and all life on Earth. In this newsletter I have set out to briefly introduce a solid foundation for the entire "2012" phenomena, which can be used to track and understand events as they unfold, relative to the immediate destiny of the human race, all life on Earth and Gaia Herself.
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Perfect and Immortal

733 Posts
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Re: 2012 homo spiritus [the sixth race]
8/8/2009 8:04:35 PM
Ages 2012 - The Transition of the Ages Ongoing Update and Analysis This resource will be continuously updated in the light of new information, knowledge and events relating to the Transition of the Ages, the 21 December 2012 end date of the Long Count Calendar of the Maya and ongoing Earth Changes. Please bookmark this page and visit often, and please also do tell everyone you are about including loved ones, friends and relatives and anyone you know who may be remotely interested in the outcome of the next few years and any 2012 event. If you own your own blog or website you can also help in this process and thereby offer your own services to humanity by linking both to this page and also to the Our Ultimate Reality main Homepage as well as ano other articles on this site you consider to be of interest. Thank you very much indeed. Introduction and Mission Statement Over the last few years increasingly more people have heard about "2012" in some context. Sadly, the whole "2012" scenario has, as with many others, become the objective of massive confusion, speculation and opportunism, which has and continues to very seriously undermine the very real implications of this great transition of the ages that all life on Earth as well as humans is facing and indeed increasingly experiencing now. This page exists therefore as an authority resource and a beacon of Light to keep you informed of only the reality, facts and truth as I personally understand them to be, based both upon considerable research, information received from numerous and diverse sources, my own understanding and extensive knowledge of this very important subject, and in particular my own knowledge and understanding of a very wide range of related subjects which enables me to place the entire 2012, transition and Earth changes reality into a proper, rational and understandable perspective. Before reading this article I suggest you read my introduction which places the entire 2012 issue in perspective: 2012 in Perspective You may discuss all 2012, transformational and Earth change related matters in the dedicated forum - please do participate. Our Ultimate Reality 2012 and Earth Changes Forum Thank you very much for your ongoing interest in your own immediate destiny which we all share with all humanity, life on Earth and Earth Herself. Latest 2012 Update Current probability estimates for known potential factors influencing the final outcome of transition, 2012 and Earth changes events : 1. Galactic alignment: Current probability of influence estimate - 75% 2. Solar emissions: Current probability of influence estimate - 20% 3. Near Earth Object: Current probability of influence estimate - 5% Definitions: Galactic alignment: The alignment of the December solstice sun with the Galactic equator as a result of the precession of the equinoxes. This definition also includes the more general alignment of the solar system, including Earth, with Galactic Centre. Of particular interest are the Energy and forces associatesd with this even, and in particular those associated with the super-massive black hole at the centre of the Galaxy, the spiral arms, and associated forces. The black hole is probably also associated with the "nuclear bulge" at the Galactic Centre at 6 degrees Sagittarius. Solar emissions: All types of emissions eminating from the Sun, including but not limited to coronal mass ejections and solar flares Near Earth Object: All types of extra-terrestrial body of sugnificant size and mass, including but not limited to asteroids, comets and planetoids. As many readers of this book will no doubt be aware, either by first hand experience, or by hearing or reading about them from other sources, at the time of writing of this book, major events and changes are occurring at all levels, and increasingly so. These events are not only occurring throughout the world but also beyond, extending deep into our solar system. These events, which are wide-ranging, often profound, and both physical and non-physical in nature, herald the continuance of a great transition of the ages, and one with potentially profound consequences for humanity, life on Earth and Earth Herself. This great transition, which I have long been aware of, is no doubt a primary factor for the inspiration behind the writing of this book, the principle purpose of which is to reveal to readers your own true Divine nature, purpose and ultimate destiny and above all how to realize it, while there is still time remaining on Earth to do so. I sincerely believe, know and indeed expect that the understanding, assimilation and application of what you learn in this book will prepare you for these approaching events and associated long term consequences as we travel together as One through this great transition of the ages. I would like to make it absolutely clear from the outset that these events are in no way “random” or “chaotic” in nature, but rather an aspect of the Divine, immutable order and perfection of the Universe, of our Prime Creator, God, and natural cycles of the Universe. I would also like to make it absolutely clear that these events are not part of some “retribution” to “punish” a “wicked” or “sinful” mankind—these are simply superstitions having absolutely no basis in fact whatsoever. From the outset I would also like to make the following absolutely clear such is its great importance to all humanity: We must not, under any circumstances, allow ourselves to be influenced in any way whatsoever by external events, “prophecies”, sensationalism, purveyors of doomsday scenarios or conspiracies of any type, or by those claiming any special knowledge, powers or connections of any sort in relation to “2012”, “the end of the age” or any associated scenarios, or to be influenced in any way by the hidden agendas of governments, those seeking power and control on a global scale or by the popular media and their covert controllers. The next few years are absolutely crucial for humanity. We are experiencing a great transition of life representing the culmination of millions of years of evolution of human Beings and all life on Earth as well as Earth, Gaia Herself. The outcome of this transition will not be predetermined in any way, shape or form by “chance” or other superstitious notions. Only one factor at this stage, at the time of writing can be considered as absolute certainty. Whatsoever the collective Consciousness of humanity and of all life on Earth expects to happen over the next few years and beyond, will happen. We are facing the ultimate proof that we really do create our own reality at all levels, both as individual aspects of God, and as the collective Mind and Consciousness of the human race. We are now experiencing, and will increasingly experience the culmination and transition of a great cycle or “age”, an integral aspect of even greater such cycles in the Universe, all of which ultimately originate from The Source, The First Cause, God. These are completely natural cycles of life which exert their presence and influence with immutable precision and perfection, as fundamental aspects of the greater workings of the Universe in all glorious spheres of life and reality. Cycles are always present in our lives at every level. Some cycles are so tiny they cannot even be measured with scientific instruments, and others so vast that they are far beyond the current perception of humans. However, the truth of the very existence of such cycles is everywhere—we only have to look at nature for example and the cycles of the seasons. Energy, radio waves, sound frequencies can all be measured in terms of distinct “cycles per second”. Without such cycles events in the Universe would be chaotic, but this is clearly not the case because the Universe would not be sustainable in such a state of chaos—only Divine order and perfection can exert its immutable influence in maintaining the harmonious equilibrium of the Universe in all spheres of life and reality. However, herein is the paradox. As with all Energy, this natural cycle is influenced by Mind, aspects of which include thoughts, imagination, expectations, intent and emotions. This cycle of Energy has always existed and will always exist, and, like all Energy, will exert its influence in accordance with the Consciousness of its participants¬—in this case life on Earth. We will proceed in this chapter therefore by objectively examining the range of possible scenarios that might exert an influence during the next few years, both in the interests of knowledge, and to form a basis through which we can form a balanced perspective, expectations and state of Consciousness, which may prove to be so crucial in shaping the coming events. For many people, the first awareness that “something is happening” or will happen, arrived by way of hearing about the now iconic date, December 21, 2012 which, over the last three decades has quite literally assumed a life of its own as a very powerful and pervasive Thought Form. Therein is one of the important issues we face—like any Thought Form it must, in accordance with immutable Universal principles, and the of Energy focused upon it, manifest, and thereby become self-fulfilling in accordance the nature of the thoughts that the majority of people associate with the “2012 Thought Form”. Since this now iconic date of December 21, 2012 first emerged into the Consciousness of humanity there have been countless interpretations spanning the entire spectrum of implications for mankind, ranging from catastrophic to ecstatic and almost all scenarios in between. Let us first then take a closer look at the facts surrounding this date, which has become such a point of focus, trepidation and even fear for so many people, often very worried for the well-being of themselves and families. This is not surprising considering the large and increasing array of “products” appearing on the market about “how to survive 2012”, and sensationalism, as well as the widely held but erroneous belief that 2012 means “the end of the world”. As previously mentioned, many people are now focusing thought Energy on “2012”, “December 21, 2012”, “the end of the world” and other similar thought processes, which in turn, with the thought power of tens of thousands or even millions of people collectively focussing on these concepts, have become very powerful “Thought Forms”—Energy configurations in their own right, which have now literally assumed a life of their own. The more people focusing on these 2012 related thoughts, the more powerful, pervasive and resilient these Thought Forms will become and the less transient they will be in nature. When in altered states of Consciousness, for example during meditation, in a trance state, or even just before, during and after sleep, we can “connect” with these powerful 2012 related Thought Forms which can present themselves as an “important message from within”, with the receiver of the message as the focal point. The Ego of the receiver then takes over and convinces the conscious Mind of the person that they have been the recipient of important “privileged information”, or even that they have received a “premonition”. Sometimes even the Ego leads the person so far as to believe that they are even a “chosen one” in some way. Such a person then tells family and friends, or even the media, as well as writing about it on the Internet, until soon, in the Minds of many it becomes a fact. Because by now there might well be thousands of people focussing on this single original “message”, the original “Thought Form” that gave rise to it in the Mind of the person gains even more strength, resilience and pervasiveness, and therefore in turn becomes even more “real” to those focussing on it, who in turn then relate it to others as if it were a fact. This then I believe is a phenomena we are increasingly seeing at the time of writing, specifically, a collection of 2012 related Thought Forms manifesting under the umbrella of a much more pervasive “2012” Thought Form” now reaching a critical mass in the Consciousness of people throughout the world. Let us continue by putting this Thought Form aside, and investigate some of the fundamental facts surrounding “2012”. It is most notable that before the 1970’s, almost no one had ever heard of “the end of the Mayan calendar” or therefore of “2012” and related matters, indeed many had not heard of the Maya themselves. It is only since the Mayan long-count calendar was deciphered in the last 20 years or so that 2012 with its “end of the Mayan calendar” or “end of the world” connotations have entered into the human Consciousness. Summarizing in a page or so in the context of this chapter the entire 30 or more year history of how the “2012” phenomena came about is most assuredly impractical due to the now vast array of people, factors and theories of all types involved, often supported and motivated by individual agendas and interests. Following however is an overview of the most significant factors for consideration, which will be sufficient to provide the basis for further analysis of these factors in the context of the Transition of the Ages to which this chapter is dedicated. The Mayan long-count calendar is just one of a larger set of calendars created by the classic Maya people of Mesoamerica around 2000 years ago. The classic Maya were highly advanced in many cosmological, astronomical, astrological, astrophysical and mathematical abilities—considerably more so in fact for the most part, than most of science today. To the Maya, their calendars were much more than simply measurements of the passage of time for their own convenience in the same way that contemporary calendars, clocks and other measurements of “time” are. They were and still are “books of life”, into which are encoded countless levels, collectively charting and predicting cycles of the Universe itself, as well as serving as a reference point for all matters involving the daily lives and Spiritual evolution of the Maya people at all levels of the Mayan culture and society. So important were these calendars that the Mayan people structured their lives and constituted their entire society and infrastructure around them. The Mayan elders and shaman would teach the populous through visual means in the form of ball games and other public performances, conceptually similar to those of the ancient Hindu traditions for example, as well as many cultures that made use of plays, song, dance and other audio-visual methods which serves both as entertainment and education. The most important calendar of the Maya is known as the “Tzolkin”. The Tzolkin measures a year over the course of 260 days as opposed to the 365-day cycle of the Gregorian calendar used today in so called “modern society”. The descendants of the classic Maya, of which there are still several million residing in Mesoamerica, still use the Tzolkin today. The calendar upon which most people are focussing in the context of “2012” is known as the “Long Count”. The Mayan long-count calendar is divided into these units: 1 kin = 1 day 20 kins = 1 uinal = 20 days 18 uinals = 1 tun = 360 days 20 tuns = 1 katun = 7,200 days 20 katuns = 1 baktun = 144,000 days A complete long count great cycle has 13 baktuns in total and so the last great cycle, the end of which we will reach on December 21, 2012, started on August 13, 3114 BCE. Great cycles measure the “ages” or “suns” of mankind, marking the transformation of mankind to the next level of evolution. These “ages” were not only measured by the Maya, but also by other great civilizations of the past such as the Aztecs in Mesoamerica, the Chinese in the Far East and many other ancient cultures over the preceding three millennia or so. The end of previous great cycles and the beginning of the next have often been associated with major events that have influenced the destiny of mankind such as the great flood, the destruction of Atlantis, Lemuria and other “lost” civilizations, as well as major ancient cataclysmic events throughout history. In many ancient cultures these cataclysms, as in the great flood, have also regarded as “cleansing” or “purgative”, after which only a small percentage of the original populations survive. Of course, much of the Mayan long-count calendar, and in particular these historical cataclysmic events precedes modern recorded history, so we know little about most of these ancient events that might have coincided with the end of these cycles or “ages”, “eras” or “suns” going back over millions of years. It is very possible that the huge asteroid or comet that struck the Yucatan Peninsula around 65 million years ago resulting in the end of the age of the dinosaurs, also coincided with the end of one of these “ages”, as did several other known “extinction events”, each one of which heralded a new era and new evolutionary direction for life on Earth, without which humans might not be here today, at least as the “dominant species”. The Maya are a shamanic culture who made extensive use of Mind-expanding substances known as “entheogens” in order to attain altered states of Consciousness, enabling access to the inner realms of life. Although many entheogens are hallucinatory in nature, there are classes of entheogens that can apparently bring about genuine inner experiences, and which were known to and used by the Maya and many other ancient civilisations. One such class of entheogens belongs to a group of chemical compounds known as the “Dimethyltryptamines”, of which there are various derivatives and chemical variations including N,N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT), 5-Methoxy-N,N-Dimethyltryptamine (5-MeO-DMT) and 5-Hydroxy-N,N-Dimethyltryptamine (5-OH-DMT) known as “bufotenine” due, being extracted from the skin of toads of genus “Bufo”. Dimethyltryptamines, usually abbreviated to “DMT”, appear to have specific qualities for producing genuine Spiritual experiences. Dr. Rick Strassman conducted extensive research into the effects of DMT on numerous volunteers over a period of years. Subjects frequently reported contacts with all manner of Beings and situations. So conclusive were these findings that Dr. Strassman named DMT “The Spirit Molecule”. Without going too deeply into the way DMT is metabolized and influences Consciousness, the most important effect seems to be related to its interaction with the “pineal gland” of the brain, corresponding to the so-called “3rd eye” or “brow chakra”. We already know that the brow chakra is associated with “inner visions” in this way, and especially with clairvoyance. I am of the view that DMT-influenced inner journeys were very likely a major source of the inner knowledge of the Maya. In addition to the Maya, there have been, and still are, many people using DMT and similar entheogens, returning from inner journeys with information that precisely relates to December 21, 2012 as being a time of transformation for all mankind. Many of these people had previously never heard of the Mayan calendar or of the significance of 2012, but the message is always remarkably similar, an impressive independent confirmation of the significance of a 2012 event. In addition to advanced, non-terrestrial knowledge acquired by the Mayan shamans in this way, they also engaged in devoted observation of the night sky from their dedicated observatories. The resultant observations, messages and records were recorded in stone structures called “stelae” at their many sacred sites, and on thousands of written records known as “codices”, together containing a vast array of information. All but a very few of these valuable codices were later totally destroyed by the Roman Catholic church in their zealous efforts to forcibly convert the Maya and all Mesoamerican races to Christianity, and in particular Roman Catholicism. The Maya therefore had a great depth of knowledge regarding the cosmos and cosmic cycles, particularly as they relate to the “galactic centre” and above all the pivotal event which is estimated to occur on December 21, 2012, and the basis therefore of the entire 2012 phenomena. This cosmic event is the “galactic alignment” which is alignment of the December solstice sun with the Galactic Equator, an event only occurring every 25,800 years or so, and is a result of the precession of the equinoxes. The galactic alignment coincides with the end of each cycle of the Mayan long count calendar, and is therefore the fundamental basis for the 2012 “end date” phenomena. The important fact to keep in mind, however, is this - The “end of the Mayan calendar” does not, in and of itself, imply “the end of the world”. The “end of the world” is an erroneous interpretation placed upon these events by people, due either to a genuine lack of understanding, or in support of some other motive. The end of one cycle or “age” of the Mayan long count calendar simply marks the beginning of the next calendrical cycle, or “age”. It should be made absolutely clear that the flow of the Universe, The Source, The Prime Creator, The First Cause, God, is, always has been and always will be in the direction of Life and expansion, the only factors to consider being the mode in which these Universal, Divine processes manifest. Contrary to the doctrines of religions, God is not “vengeful”, “jealous” or “angry”, and does not therefore exact “punishments”, “revenge” or “Divine retribution”. God knows only Unconditional Love for all creation, and accordingly all Universal processes extending from the infinite Mind of God are for the ultimate benefit of all creation, including humanity. It is believed in some cultures that these great cycles of Energy, or “ages” alternate between “dark” and “light”, and that we are currently nearing the end of a “dark age” after which will begin an age of light. Hindu teachings define these eras in terms of the “Yuga’s”. We are currently nearing the end of Kali Yuga. So, the big question is this—what does the end of this current great cycle mean to us experientially both as a race of human Beings, and for each of us as individuals? In the interests of a balanced approach to these extremely important questions we must consider all possibilities, which, in the very broadest terms consist of the following categories: 1. Catastrophic: A globally destructive cataclysm. 2. Eschatological: A Spiritual transformation 3. Progressive: The continuation of an ongoing process. 1. Catastrophic The classic Maya, who, as discussed, are at the root of the events life on Earth is facing fundamentally tracked “ages”, or “cycles”, not individual events, and nowhere in the records left by the Maya, to the extent they have been yet discovered, is it suggested that Earth is to experience a cataclysmic event. As previously noted, it is a fact nevertheless that there is growing evidence in support of such events in the distant past, which may very well have coincided with the end of previous ages. It is entirely possible that a global cataclysm is necessary as a purgative prelude to, and catalyst for a major transformation or change in direction for humans, in order to clear away the millennia of dross that now subsumes the Consciousness of humanity, buried under which humanity has become substantially blind to its own true Spiritual nature. Humanity could on the other hand move towards the high path of enlightenment and evolution by conscious freewill. From an observational perspective, there are currently few known factors that the Maya could have tracked with the potential to result in a catastrophic outcome in the near future, although numerous theories and unsubstantiated claims have emerged in recent years. There are however most certainly known factors that the ancient Maya would have known about, and which could well form the basis of any predictive aspect of their long count calendar which ends on 21 December 2012. One compelling and very real factor with the potential to precipitate profound changes on Earth and solar system generally is increasing solar activity, i.e. from the Sun, the cycles of which the Maya could certainly have tracked. Solar activity has at the time of writing, been at an unusually high level, and at a time when such activity is historically indicated to be at a minimum. Also at the time of writing, Earth has been subjected to an unusually high level of activity from the Sun including but not limited to powerful X class solar flares and the much more powerful “coronal mass ejection” or “CME”, in the form of super-heated radioactive plasma. These events were most certainly not in isolation, and are very highly likely to increase as we move towards the next solar maxima, expected most significantly to occur around the year 2012. Current indications are that this coming solar maxima could be unprecedented in recorded history in its sheer magnitude. We cannot determine at this stage just how high this level of solar activity will attain, but, if it is as seems possible, the effects upon Earth due to solar storms in the form of CME’s and other powerful solar emissions could be profound in many ways. Such a possibility most certainly includes Earth receiving a “broadside” from a single massive coronal mass ejection, the effects of which could well be catastrophic for most life on Earth. It is entirely possible therefore that around 2012 life could face the cataclysmic consequences of one or more powerful solar events with highly unpredictable consequences for humans, all life, and all life-sustaining infrastructure. It should be mentioned that current climatic extremes are being blamed on so called “climate change”, erroneously associated with so called “greenhouse gasses”, the use of “fossil fuels” and other environmentally polluting by-products of human activity. While no form of environment polluting activity should ever be condoned, to solely blame such agents for “climate change” is to be dangerously and naively oblivious to the real causes, notably solar activity and other wider ranging Energy influences originating from beyond Earth, which, for the most part are at frequencies of Energy beyond those measurable by current scientific instruments. This can be demonstrated by virtue of similar changes occurring on other planets in our solar system, thus conclusively eliminating human so called “greenhouse gases” or “fossil fuels” as a cause. While scientists, governments, industry and others would seek to commercialise “climate change” or “global warming”, the true and most important origin of the changes Earth is increasingly being subjected to are being largely and dangerously overlooked with potentially catastrophic results. Another major “wild card” associated with these and other possible events seems to be the precipitation of a “pole shift” which can either be geomagnetic in nature where the north and south poles exchange places, an event that is known to happen over long periods of time, or geophysical whereby the current position of the physical poles, in relation to the Sun, suddenly move by several degrees, or even by twenty degrees or more. Such an event could imply profound consequences for Earth and all life on Earth, in ways which we cannot fully predict. There is increasing evidence being discovered by sea divers of the extensive remains of major ancient civilisations, now lying 2000 feet or more under the sea. How did they get there? Many have heard of the fabled lost civilisations of Atlantis and Lemuria as well as others. Most people have heard of the biblical “Great Flood”. Further evidence suggests that the north and south poles have not always been cold, and indeed in the quite recent past Antarctica may have been abundant with life. We can only speculate in the context of 2012, but clearly strong evidence most certainly exists for profound and very sudden geophysical events occurring in the past, which seem to happen with immutable frequency, often coinciding with the catastrophic submerging and subsequent destruction and consequential loss of once great and advanced civilisations. The classic Maya based much or their long count calendar and in particular the 2012 end date around observations of our Galaxy, and in particular the Galactic Centre where the super-massive black hole almost certainly exists. It is very possible in my view that as we transition through the galactic alignment that was being tracked by the Maya, which is likely occurring now, the effects of this alignment, the mechanism for which has been previously described, and in particular the massive Energy influence of the super-massive black hole could well pull the solar system, including the Sun, all planets and Earth into alignment with it, resulting in a geophysical pole shift of perhaps 20 degrees or more. As previously mentioned, this could well be catastrophic, resulting in massive geophysical effects including earthquakes, massive volcanic eruptions, huge tsunamis and much more. Most life on Earth would be very seriously compromised as has likely happened many times in Earth history. Again, the Maya would most definitely know about these galactic cycles and would also be aware of their consequential transformative potential in many possible ways, including the potential for evolution or destruction, being dependent on the Mind state and consciousness of human beings and all life on Earth before and during these events. 2. Eschatological In this scenario, the outcome of the transition of the ages may manifest as a potential Spiritual transformation or enlightenment of mankind, being, as previously emphasised, ultimately depend on the thoughts, expectations and Spiritual status, i.e. Consciousness of both the collective Mind of the human race and of each individual. It should also be made absolutely clear that in no way will religious devotion be a factor. The only factor relevant to each individual will be true Spiritual evolution—an immutable Universal Principle. Mankind is currently in the grips of an escalating downward social spiral precipitated by many factors, including but not limited to rampant materialism and often greed fuelled by the demands of the Ego. This cannot and will not be sustained. The root causes of this situation is that most humans perceive everyone and everything as being separate from themselves, and view the gaining of money as the basis for happiness. Existence therefore becomes competitive, adversarial and aggressive, with people fighting for material supremacy while protecting themselves against perceived threats from “others”. In reality there is no such separation. The illusion of separation is perpetuated only by the five physical senses. Everything in the entire Universe is an equal, integral and Divine aspect of everything else in the Universe and of The Source, The First Cause, God. We all exist as individuated Energy fields within the Great Universal Mind of conscious, intelligent, vibrating Energy in which we live and move and have our Being. Should we experience an eschatological event associated with the transition of the ages, in my view one of the most likely outcomes of such an event would be the veil of the illusion of separation that has blinded humans of their true Spiritual nature for so long would dissipate, along with the related illusions of “time” and “space”, thereby leaving people “Spiritually naked” in a true multi-dimensional state of awareness, with the twin illusions of “space” and “time” no longer exerting an influence over Consciousness, and where our thoughts manifest instantly as opposed to the currently perceived time delays. This will enable those who are Spiritually prepared to view life, reality and people in a different way, with an emphasis on Oneness, service and Unconditional Love, with materialism, lack and competitiveness no longer being meaningful. The effects of The Law of Attraction would be experienced instantly. So by what mechanism could these events possibly manifest? As previously discussed, the classic Maya almost certainly fixed the end of their long count calendar to coincide with the galactic alignment and were also certainly aware of the super massive “black hole” that exists at the very centre of our galaxy, and which could well exert its influence at the time of the galactic alignment. In addition to the physical implications of this galactic event, there are also Energetic and therefore Spiritual implications. Again, and this is most important: How humanity and all life on Earth experiences this event will be entirely determined by one primary factor – Consciousness. Einstein’s Law of Relativity describes, among other things, the rate of time, and scale of space. For example a clock may be observed to run slower at lower altitudes, where the gravitational potential exerted on the clock is higher. The gravitational potential of a black hole, in this case the galactic centre is so massive that “time” itself is suspended and the dimensions of “space” reduced to zero. In other words “space” and “time” as experienced on Earth cease to exist altogether. We, along with all life on Earth, are currently bound together in the same shared quantum reality by virtue of the fact that we are all at the extremity of, and thereby subjected to, the same extreme gravitational potential, and have been since before recorded history. As we approach 2012 and beyond we may well be travelling through the spiral arms of the black hole at the galactic centre, associated with greatly modified gravitational potential to which we will all become progressively subjected as this process progresses, as will every planet in our solar system and beyond. Without going into the extensive and complex quantum mechanics behind this process, the ultimate outcome of this scenario will be that the twin illusions of “space” and “time” would cease to exert their influence. When this finally takes place, and this process is accelerating even now, as mentioned previously, humans will be left “Spiritually naked” in an environment where everything is perceived for what it really is, and where our thoughts, feelings emotions and other powers of the Mind will manifest into our experience instantly. This will be a pivotal juncture for all humanity. Each of us and all life will be freed to realise our true Spiritual potential based upon our individual state of Spiritual evolution knowledge, wisdom and other factors. Those who are thus ready will transition to a quantum reality, a plane of vibration that most closely matches their individual vibration. Although this would happen in due course anyway, this could be a “mass evolution” event. Those not Spiritually prepared will gravitate to another “time-space” bound reality. It should also be mentioned that the galactic alignment could also result in other unknown consciousness influencing effects including magnetic, radiation and other Energy influences. Although this is largely conjecture, my dedicated involvement in these important matters has enabled me to observe an ongoing awakening of Consciousness of humanity on many levels that leads me to believe that this process could already be taking place and exponentially accelerating. This also leads me to feel that humanity is experiencing the potential for a glorious opportunity in its Spiritual evolution, towards realising our ultimate reality. It is however still for each individual to realise and accept this, and to prepare themselves accordingly. Humanity is facing events that could result in almost total catastrophe, or enlightenment and evolution, and again the eventual outcome will be decided by humanity and life itself. 3. Progressive This final scenario is based upon my observation that natural Spiritual transformation and transition processes are already very much in progress and appear to be exponentially increasing at this time. This leads me to consider the possibility that December 21, 2012 simply represents a symbolic date in recognition of this ongoing event, as opposed to representing the final date of any causation in absolute terms. In other words, this iconic date simply represents a convenient marker in time as measured by the Gregorian calendar, in recognition of a series of ongoing cosmic events that will continue to progress through 21 December, 2012 and on into the “future”. As discussed previously, it is thought that the Maya derived the basis of their “long count calendar” upon cosmic observation conducted over a long period of time, extrapolating these observations to form the basis of a calendrical system representing galactic cycles of around 25,800 years, the end of which is marked or symbolised by the so called “galactic alignment”—an event resulting from the “precession of the equinoxes”. In brief, this “precession” arises from the fact that Earth wobbles very slowly about its axis, which in turn causes the relative position of the equinox to move backwards, i.e. to “precess” at the rate of around 1 degree every 71.5 years. The entire precessional cycle takes around 25,800 years to complete, culminating in the end of a Maya “long count” calendrical cycle, and the beginning of the next cycle. Thus it may be seen that the end of the calendar, or cycle is not the “end of the world” as has been erroneously widely supposed, but rather the end of the current single Mayan long count cycle. The question therefore is this - is the “galactic alignment” a symbolic or a causal event in and of itself as previously discussed in the previous scenarios. It might be that the actual date of December 21, 2012 could simply be a convenient symbolic representation, based upon the galactic alignment, of a much greater cosmic event the Maya were tracking, and which they expected to exert its influence during this period, but with a different origin of causation that humanity may well not be yet aware of. There is very strong evidence at many levels, both physical and non-physical to suggest that we are indeed in the throes of such an ongoing process. At a physical level we are seeing and experiencing increasing extremes of weather and associated anomalies, increased volcanic and seismic activity, and of course an exponentially increasing climatic warming trend. These types of changes appear to be occurring throughout the entire solar system, not only on Earth, and cannot therefore be the result of any localised pollution and other such influences. From my own perspective, as a person who receives messages from, and communicates with numerous people around the world, I am observing a very real “Spiritual awakening” taking place, with increasing numbers of people becoming progressively aware of their true infinite, unlimited, immortal, Spiritual, Divine, nature, needing to know what it all means, and how they should make changes in their lives accordingly. In addition, we are seeing various factions, many negative or dark in nature, often with very selfish motives, which, realising there is not much time left before the Minds and lives of people can no longer be controlled as they are currently, are doing everything they can to bring forward and execute their agendas of domination and control, regardless of the wider consequences for humanity and life on Earth. We will not discuss these factions lest we give them more power, but suffice it to say, by comparison with the Universal forces of change currently exerting themselves, the efforts of these dark agencies are completely futile, and can be likened to someone standing on a beach with view to holding back the tides. Giving serious attention to these factions is therefore neither useful, productive or appropriate—they are best completely ignored. Planet Earth Herself, a great planetary Spirit, often known as “Gaia”, with Whom we are inexorably connected, is currently in the process of making Her own joyous evolutionary transition to the next vibrational level of the Universe on the path of Her own glorious return to our Divine Creator, in exactly the same way that humans, all life, and everything in creation will inevitably do sooner or later. There is compelling evidence that this process is underway right now. The Schumann Cavity Resonance, often referred to as the “heartbeat” of Earth, has always in the past maintained a steady frequency or resonance of 7.8Hz. In the last few of years, however, the resonance has recently increased to around 12Hz with 13Hz being pivotal. Gaia is increasing the frequency of Her own Spiritual body as She prepares to make Her own evolutionary transition, something we should all celebrate. In conclusion, we can see that regardless of the theories and agendas of the various groups interested in this process for whatever reason, there is indeed very real and important changes occurring that must ultimately affect all mankind, life on Earth and the solar system, and planet Earth, Gaia herself. Due to the multitude of such theories, factions and agendas exerting themselves during this natural process, many people are understandably becoming very confused, bewildered and concerned for the future of themselves and families, particularly in view of the increasing number of “survive 2012” type agendas appearing, implying a pending global catastrophe. We must recognise the many unsubstantiated ideas, theories and agendas for what they are, choosing instead to focus within, and on what we know to be incontrovertible true, based upon what we personally experience, know and intuitively feel. My own message is clear and unequivocal. We are all, both as individuals and equal aspects of the human race and of all life on Earth and of the Universe, experiencing a completely natural cycle of transition, orchestrated by Divine intelligence, Who Unconditionally Loves us all. How we experience and emerge from this transition, both individually and collectively as the human race will, as always, be determined by one factor and one factor only – individual and collective Consciousness, and our own unique state of Spiritual attainment and evolution. What we have discussed in this chapter and are witnessing and experiencing at all levels is the confluence of an infinite number of quantum probabilities, quantum potential, any or all of which can exert themselves in precise alignment with the influence of Mind and therefore individual and collective Consciousness over the next few years. What we ultimately experience as the transition progresses therefore is already taking shape in our own Mind and therefore Universal Mind in Which we all experience our collective Consciousness. We each create our own reality, and never has there been a greater opportunity to realise this great truth than the age in which we are living now. Nothing is to be gained by focussing on material, outer events, however dramatic they may seem – they are an illusion and a distraction. Nothing is to be gained and everything is to be lost by listening to the voices of doom, or those who claim to represent your “best interests” as events unfold. They are pursuing their own agendas that are very often biased towards power, fear and control, rather than evolution. If you really wish to know the outcome of the transition of the ages, or of December 21, 2012, or of any related event, then rejoice, because you have the power to determine and experience that outcome, both individually and as a member of the human race. Humanity can have and achieve anything it desires during the coming age, so choose Peace, Harmony, Love, Service and true Spiritual Evolution, and they shall be yours with everyone else sharing the same glorious new reality. We must therefore focus within in order to realise our own true reality, in the absolute knowledge that once the transition of the ages is complete, only those who have turned to focus within, and rediscovered their own true, infinite, immortal, Self, and are ready and prepared to progress beyond the material illusion of the physical world, will emerge to become the first members of the next Divine evolution of human beings – Homo Spiritus
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Re: 2012 homo spiritus [the sixth race]
8/9/2009 12:07:05 PM
receive many messages on the subject of "global warming". I assume that this is due to the fact that hardly a week, or often a day goes by without some extreme weather condition, most recently severe flooding in many parts of the world. Yesterday it even snowed and settled in Baghdad which is unprecedented. All the residents left there homes in wonder to marvel at this amazing spectacle. I think it is fair to say that wherever you live you will have experienced extraordinary weather conditions over the last few months, and most probably increasingly so. The official position on the part of the major government of the world is that "global warming" or "climate change" due to "carbon emissions", "fossil fuels" etc is the cause. In fact this is a complete and utter myth whether the major governments of the World believe it or not. There is not one serious scientist involved in these areas that believes this official line with regards to global warming. In fact the term "global warming" is very misleading in and of itself, because what we are seeing goes far beyond simply warming - we are rather seeing rapidly altering weather patterns of increasing extremity. Here is a typical quote from a scientist who knows the truth: "It is the greatest scam in history. I am amazed, appalled and highly offended by it. Global Warming; It is a SCAM. Some dastardly scientists with environmental and political motives manipulated long term scientific data to create in [sic] allusion of rapid global warming." -- John Coleman, Founder of Weather Channel From my own extensive research I would definitely agree with this view, although this is only part of the entire equation. There are then two major aspects to the "climate change" issue: 1. What is the real meaning and cause behind it? 2. What is the real agenda of the World governments? In future newsletters we will look much more closely at these issues, but for now I will summarise as follows: 1. What we are really experiencing are immutable, natural cycles of Energy and weather patterns that have occurred throughout history. Scientists have proved this conclusively by drilling deep core samples, in other words by sinking very long, narrow tubes deep into the ground at Antarctica, lake beds and other suitable undisturbed areas al around the planet. The deeper samples contain an abundance of evidence that enables scientists to determine the weather conditions prevailing at any particular juncture in Earths history, at least for tens of thousands of years. The results conclusively prove the fact that climate changes occur with immutable frequency with cold spells, or "ice ages" and warm spells, both of which accelerate as they reach a peak. Earth is currently reaching such a natural weather cycle peak. In addition however we have the "2012 effect" which, as we know from previous newsletters, is ultimately due to the influence of great galactic Energy cycles originating from Galactic Centre, and are reaching a peak of causality over the next few years. Many people have heard of the "Great Flood" of biblical times. I have been conducting considerable research into the Great Flood as the only recorded global cataclysmic event, and have so far found independant references to the Great Flood in 28 different cultures of the time throughout the planet - cultures that had no connection with each other. This event seems to have destroyed perhaps 80% of life, including human life at the time - perhaps much more. Thus we can conclude with reasonable certainty that this event did indeed take place, and almost certainly coincided with a Galactic Energy Cycle and transition of great or lesser age, this time manifesting as a great flood, but in other such transitions or transitional quarters manifesting as other catastrophic events. The end of the age of the dinosaurs as well as previous and post extinction events almost certainly coincided with these Galactic transitional Energy cycles. However, this time there is a third influence - the Sun. During 2012 the sun will achieve a maximum period of activity, greater than anything ever witnessed and recorded in human history, likely resulting in massive Energy emissions known as "coronal mass ejections" and solar flares, probably of the highest magnitude "X Class" type, which could approach or even hit Earth directly. So we can conclude, with reasonable certainty, that the next few years will be pivotal for humanity in terms of "climate change" alone, notwithstanding the numerous other "2012" factors that I have written about previously as we inexorable progress together throughthe transition of this great age and into the next. Again though, and this is crucially important - the final outcome of these events or more specifically our experience of these events, at both an collective and individual level, will be determined by just one factor - human consciousness. Plain and simple - whatever humanity expects to happen over the next few years will happen. It is for this reason I am keeping you fully updated in this newsletter with the facts and only the facts. 2. The major governments of the world are turning "climate change" into yet another cabal like the drugs industry, banking industry, and more. A cabal generally seeks to take the money off consumers while the consumer feels grateful for it at the same time. In this case you will see increasingly more "eco friendly" products sold on the basis that if you buy them you will be "helping climate change". You have probably seen advertising like this already - expect much more. These businesses will endeavour to cause people to purchase their "eco friendly" products in the context of "saving the world from the effect of climate change" while feeling good about it. This has been a basic overview of a much larger and very important subject. In future newsletters we will look at these factors as well as 2012 related factors in much more detail. In the meantime it is extremely important to keep this, very real and experienced aspect of the transition of the ages that we are all experiencing together in perspective. We cannot escape the apparent reality of the ever increasing extremes of weather conditions, but as we know, "thoughts are things", and the more people focus on these situations, the more they will manifest into our experience. We must also understand that we no longer live in a democracy, we live in a mediocracy where the power of the popular press, in turned owned and controlled by those on the the path of darkness, seeks to control the Mind of the populous at every level in order to prevail over the next few years. My advice to you is to never read, watch or listen to the so called "news". Much of the time it is not "news" at all, it is Mind control plain and simple. Similarly I advise that you pay no heed to advertising that promotes products in the context of doing your part to combat "climate change". That said, and this is most important notwithstanding the above, absolutely anything and everything we can do to help the planet, the environment and each other we must of course do first and foremost, but, most importantly, for all the right reasons. For example, changing to a powder that washes your clothes at 30 degrees instead of 40 degrees will not help, but being diligent with what chemicals you use around the house most certainly will help the environment generally. Also, and most importantly, endeavour to transition to a natural, harvestable whole food diet and away from animal based products which are, in any case, toxic to human physiology and can reduce life expectancy by 7 to 15 years as well as causing chronic, debilitating diseases. Finally, above all please keep in Mind that as humans we have but one task to perform over the next few years, and that is to be prepared Spiritually, Mentally and Consciously for what is to come over the next few years - a main reason I was inspired to write my book Our Ultimate Reality. Every Human Beings has a choice, just as with the transition of other great cycles or ages. < Prev  Next > [ Back ] Click Book For Full Details Small Book Cover  7 Free Chapters Email: Name:  Our Ultimate Reality Now In Paperback From Amazon US Click For Full Book Details From Amazon UK Click For Full Book Details  Copyright © 2005-2007 Our Ultimate Reality  details for any reason 2012 in Perspective As we progress inexorably towards the now iconic date of 21 December 2012, the rumour, speculation and fantasy machine is moving into overdrive resulting in ever more confusion, concern and fantasy. Speculation about what it all means for humanity ranges from the sublime to the ridiculous and every eventuality in between, with an equally wide range of hidden agendas. My observations have led me to believe that the vast majority of these ideas presented as fact originate from a wide array intangible evidence, and misinterpretation of the facts, or even fiction, with proponents often cobbling together fragments of stories from a wide range of sources in order to create a new idea, often presented as fact, but with no supporting evidence. Many such ideas point towards monuments and artefact's that might be loosely related to 2012 and the transition in some way, and declare them to be evidential. Another potentially dangerous trend is the increasing number of people claiming to "channel" a wide variety of exalted Beings, including, but not limited to Jesus, Archangels, Ascended Masters, Pleaidians, and Planetary Spirit Gaia Herself. I will not spend too much time on this subject, but suffice it to say that, as with so called "prophecies", I do not regard any information from a channeled source to be evidential in any way. It is virtually impossible to known who the non-physical communicators really are, what their motives are and how they know what they claim to convey. I can say that probably 99.9% of such communicators are Astral entities, who will claim to be anyone the channeler believes them to be - keeping in Mind these entities know the thoughts of the channeler - in order to be taken seriously, and they have no hesitation in outright lying about it. Of course some such entities genuinely wish to assist humanity, and simply see such deception as necessary and justified, but others seek to deceive humanity in order to drag humanity down with them. I could not say which variety of entity form the majority, but I do know that the consequences of making a wrong choice are so serious as to not to take the risk in the first place. That said, I also believe there are a very few genuine channels for genuinely advanced Beings, who are certainly interested in guiding humanity through the transition that we are facing in the next few years. These advanced Beings are usually recognisable for Who they are due to the mode of communication and the messages conveyed. Such evolved Beings, often evolved human beings in fact, reside at much higher level of Energy vibration than the physical Earth. It would therefore be virtually impossible for such an evolved being communicating from that level of vibration, to directly communicate with a person residing in a mortal body on the Earth level of vibration - such an situation might well physically "kill" the channeler, or at the very least drive them insane. There are however various mechanisms that can be and are employed in order to mediate the difference in these Energy levels, effectively acting as a "step-down transformer" as is familiar in electrical circuits, and acting in much the same way for much the same reasons - everything is Energy. This is usually managed from the Spirit side of the channel, aware as they are of the importance of these Energy differences, and hos best to reconcile them for the purposes of communication, without harming the channeler. Turning to other forms of "evidence" often presented, often pointing to the Maya themselves - even the records in stone left by the Maya called "stelae" cannot be regarded as evidential per se, because although they most certainly indicate the "end times" we are currently experiencing, absolutely nowhere do these records indicate how these end times will be experienced. In addition to the records left in stone, the Maya also created thousands of documents recording their culture known as "codices" which would have surely revealed considerably more about the Maya and their culture and calendrical systems. However, when the Europeans arrived, the Roman Catholic church ordered the total destruction by burning of these codices, as part of their policy of forcibly converting the Mayan people to the Roman Catholic church, the consequences of which can only be imagined. A further example of symbolic evidence, and one that has become increasingly popular in recent years is the "Cross of Hendaye" located in South West France. This artifact consists of a cross upon a large stone bases, upon which are carved various alchemical symbols, which some have interpreted to be indicative of some forthcoming catastrophe and the end times. Whilst I fully understand the Hermetic and alchemical symbolism depicted on this monument, and would agree that it is almost certainly related to the transition of the ages that we are now experiencing, the question still arises as to who constructed this monument, why, what did they use as the basis of their message, and did they know something that we as yet do not? The point is this - it is easy to become captivated by the monument and its symbolism, which is after all most interesting, but without knowing its history it remains yet another interesting artifact with no proven basis in fact or firm evidence of what we are facing. Accordingly, to me at least, they simply represent yet another piece in a large and complex jigsaw puzzle, all the pieces to which we may or may not discover and interpret. Now before I proceed, I would once again like to make one fact absolutely clear, and I simply cannot stress this enough: Whatever the consensus Mind and Consciousness of the human race and of all life on Earth believes will happen over the next few years, will indeed happen - of that you can be absolutely sure. If the majority believe in a cataclysm then the Universe will oblige, and perhaps 95% of all life on Earth could be destroyed. If on the other hand the majority believe in awakening, enlightenment and Spiritual evolution, then this will be the result, and humanity will have progressed to the next evolution, of human that I refer to as "Homo Spiritus". These are not random processes. In the past there have been numerous examples of both including but not limited to the evolution of humans from for example Neanderthal to Cro Magnon, the first recognisable "modern" humans that led to where we are today, and also massive purgative or "mass extinction" events as with the "great flood" and of course Atlantis and Lemuria as well as numerous other great civilisations, the evidence for which has actually been discovered 200 feet under the sea in various parts of the world. How did these large, sophisticated and robust civilisations suddenly transition from normality to 2000 feet beneath the sea, possibly in a very short space of time? I also believe it likely that other mass extinction events such as those that wiped out the dinosaurs, also coincided with the transition of these ages, which relate to life on Earth, not just humanity. It should be clear to anyone as to how the end of the "age of the dinosaurs", eventually facilitated the evolution of human beings. These events are not random either in terms of periodicity or consequences. They are rather completely normal aspects of greater Universal cycles of Energy. I am of the view therefore that all of these great, pivotal events that shaped the future of life on Earth, ultimately leading to where we are today, coincided with the end of one great age, and the beginning of the next. It is also likely that these ages were divided into lesser and greater ages, the lesser occuring every 6000 years or so at the precessional quarters of the equinox, resulting in the different ages of "modern" man for example, and the end of a great age every 25800 years or so after one complete cycle of the precession of the equinox, resulting in a potentially much greater evolutionary leap. This alone would appear to provide some tangible indication that we are indeed approaching an era of great change, the precise nature of which will be finally decided by the consciousness of humanity. I am however, due to the importance and consequences of what humanity is facing over the next few years, only concerned with the facts. There simply is not time to pursue fantasies and speculation at a time when humanity must prepare itself for what is to come. Humanity, accompanied by all life on Earth is rapidly approaching a "speed bump" on our collective path. How we approach and negotiate this speed bump will determine whether humanity and life on Earth will crash and burn - or evolve - it really is that simple. The key, as I have mentioned before and will continue to so so is human Consciousness together with the Consciousness of all life on Earth, and of course Earth, great Planetary Spirit Gaia herself. I therefore turn to the Mayans for tangible clues to what awaits us. The classic Maya were one of the most advanced races ever to have walked the Earth - keeping in Mind that we must not make the error of equating "advancement" with "technology", in fact the reverse is true in absolute terms. The Mayans were many things including but not limited to Astronomers, Cosmologists, Astrophysics ts, Mathematicians and Astrologers. For all that however they had two main tools at their disposal for their work, which made it all the more impressive and they were these: 1. Observation of the cosmos 2. Shamanic exploration At this stage I will refrain from discussing the shamanic aspect for reasons I will make clear later. From an observational perspective the Maya were dedicated observers of the night sky, which became central to Mayan mythology and the Mayan culture generally. They would also have been observers of the Sun and therefore solar activity. What were the Maya fundamentally looking for? The answer is almost certainly predictable "cycles" which would then in turn form the basis of their entire culture at all levels, as well as the future of humanity, all life on Earth and Gaia Herself. The entire Universe operates in cycles, some so minute or so massive that we cannot detect them from our temporal respecified scientific instruments, but others in between which are much more obvious such as the cycles of the year we known as the four "seasons". The Maya were interested in cycles of every magnitude, knowing them to fundamentally influence reality as a whole, with which of course we are all intimately connected. The resultant Mayan calendrical systems functioned in many ways like modern astrology, but many orders of magnitude more advanced and accurate, and which were clearly capable of operating accurately from time scales of seconds, to probably millions of years, or even the entire lifespan of the planet. So what was it in the night sky the Maya were particularly interested in which led to the creation of their Long Count Calendar, and consequently the iconic 21 December 2012 end date for their calendar? The answer is the Galaxy, or more specifically Galactic Centre relative to Earth, also to include the Solar System. The Maya also observed and measured the precession of the Equinoxes as previously mentioned. In addition to tangible observation, the Maya were also acutely aware of non-physical cycles of Energy and the potential causal effects upon life on Earth, and in particular human beings. The Maya supported their physical observations with Shamanic observations which were facilitated by the use of a very specific group of chemical compounds extracted from natural sources, Mind-expanding substances known as "entheogens" of which there are various derivatives and chemical variations including N,N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT), 5-Methoxy-N,N-Dimethyltryptamine (5-MeO-DMT) and 5-Hydroxy-N,N-Dimethyltryptamine (5-OH-DMT) known as "bufotenine" due, being extracted from the skin of toads of genus "Bufo". So the Maya were not only able to observe physical cosmic cycles, they were also able to observe non-physical cycles of Energy, as well as to access the vast and information stored as Energy, often conceptualised as the "Akashic Record", which contains all the information in the entire Universe, including physical parallel Universe and inner Energy Levels, throughout what people know as the "past", present" and the quantum probabilities that we may regard as the probable future. Shamanic exploration would also have enabled the Maya to project their conscious awareness to the Galactic Centre itself, for closer observation and therefore understanding of the Energy and cycles emanating from there. These then I am certain formed the basis of the knowledge of the Maya, and their legacy today, as well as the immediate destiny of the human race and all life on Earth. Now at this point I must stress that the Maya never, ever put forward "prophecies". A "prophecy" is the supposed prediction of future events. I would like to make it absolutely clear that it is absolutely impossible to contrive such a prophecy, and anyone who purports to do so, or to "tell the future" might be regarded in that context. "Time" does not exist except as an illusion of the corporeal senses and the conscious sphere of operation of the Mind as it operates within the sphere of the space-time continuum. Accordingly the "future", like "time", does not exist except as a human concept. What people erroneously refer to as the "future" only exists as an infinite number of probabilities, one or more of which can eventually exert their influence under the influence of Mind in the present moment of Now - the "future" only becomes true in the actual moment it is observed and experienced in the present moment of Now. In the context of the transition we are facing, there are a very wide range of quantum probabilities that have the Energy potential to exert an influence over the next few years. These include but are not limited to physical factors such as the Sun, Galactic Centre and extra-terrestrial objects, and non-physical potential in the form of Energy including cycles of Energy. And again Universal Principle will hold true - the potential factors that will finally exert their influence will be directly proportional to Mind and Consciousness in that moment of Now. So the Maya new about these factors based upon their observations, and factored them into their predictions. Note I use the word "prediction"" because the legacy of the Maya is predicated in fact and not in some form of mystical speculation based upon the Conscious Mind and/or the Ego otherwise known as "prophecy". So 21 December 2012 is not a "prophecy" it is a scientifically derived prediction that the classic Maya were able to formulate based upon their physical observation of the cosmos, and non-physical shamanic explorations, together with their vast understanding of these Universal forces which were uncontaminated by individual interest, agenda or motive, influence of the Ego, or some other ulterior motive in the interests of power and control. This then forms the firm basis of my own research into 2012. Turning to the Mayan Long Count Calendar, what were the Maya concerned with? I absolutely believe, by virtue of extensive research by Mayan researchers of whom I have the utmost respect, that the Maya were concerned with events related to the centre of our Galaxy, i.e. Galactic Centre, as it relates to Earth and in particular the precession of the equinoxes a confluence and significance of which the Maya were unquestionably aware of by virtue of their cosmic and shamanic observations and astounding ability to make sense of it all. It is indeed this "sense" that we must replicate as our source of understanding of information relating to the transition that we are now facing. It is clear from the ancient artifacts, notably in the form of the stone "stelae" remaining at classic Mayan sites, and their culture which included strategically positioned "ball parks", that the Maya, in this context were primarily concerned with events at the centre of our Galaxy, in other words Galactic Centre which they clearly deemed to be instrumental in shaping the future direction of humanity and life on Earth. What then lies at Galactic Centre that could be of so much interest and significance to the Maya, and which could possibly be implicated in any future evolutional direction for our small planet? The solution, I believe rests in an aspect of the Galactic Centre that we cannot actually see, but yet many scientists now believe exists, and the Maya absolutely knew existed - specifically a super-massive Energy structure known as a "black hole". It is beyond the scope of this short newsletter to discuss the science of black holes generally, but in any event we are only concerned with its characteristics as pertains to the transition of the ages and of any related 2012 event. A black hole has associated with it massive Energy, and it is this Energy that we are concerned with and the Maya were almost certainly concerned with when formulating the potential causation as a result of the events predicted by their long count calendar. Energy is everything - literally - Energy shaped by Mind - either Universal Mind in the context of all creation, the Macrocosm, or individual Mind in the context of our own individual experiential reality - our own individual Universe - the Microcosm. It is almost certain that this massive Energy vortex at Galactic Centre - the same Energy that probably holds the very fabric of the Galaxy together - will form the primary influence over the range of events that could manifest over the next few years, in turn under the influence of the collective Mind or Consciousness of the human race, which will in turn contribute towards the shaping of the next phase of existence, evolution or otherwise of the human race and of all life on Earth. Like all Energy, this particular Energy will ultimately respond to only one primary influence - Mind at both an indivudual and consensual level. Of course ultimately all Universal events and the Divine operation and order of the Universe are all under the influence of Universal Mind, of which we and all in creation are integral, inseparable aspects - everything is ultimately connected. Of course this Galactic Centre Super Energy Field is not the only possible influence by any means. In accordance with the range of potential events and challenges facing life on Earth over the next few years, many other factors external to our planet will or could exert an influence, including, but not limited to Solar activity and extra-terrestrial bodies, often known as "Near Earth Objects". Of one factor I am absolutely certain at this juncture. The primary source of infiuence over the immediate destiny of humanity, life on Earth and Earth herself will be Energy, the only real questions being these: 1. What will be the origin of the causal Energy? 2. In what form will the Energy manifest? 3. What will be the causal effects of that Energy? 4. What influences will determine the causation? 5. Over what time period will the causation extert its influence? These then are the questions I will be seeking to answer as events unfold. But again, and I will keep repeating this statement due to its extreme importance: All of the factors listed above will ultimately be determined by one primary factor - Mind - of which consciousness is a fundamental aspect. Whatsoever the consensus of humanity, life on Earth and Earth Herself Expects to happen, Believe will happen, and has Faith in happening, will happen - of this truth I have not the slightest doubt. Most of the so called "modern countries" on Earth are no longer governed by a democracy but rather by a mediocracy, in ottherwords through the power of the press and other popular media. These in turn are largely controlled by those who seek to deny humanity of its true destiny in the interests of power and control. It is crucal therefore not to look towards external factors for guidance, but rather always start by looking within and asking the right questions, as well as seeking those who wish only to see humanity evolve to its next glorious evolution, but at the same time accepting only that which you know intuitively to be true. It is however beyond the scope of this short introduction in this newsletter to expand upon these factors further, and we will indeed surely do so in a future newsletter, but for those interested I have also prepared a short overview, to expand upon this brief introduction, and which will also form the basis of my ongoing analysis of 2012 and the transition of the ages as events progress: Please bookmark this page and if you have a blog or website please link to it and encourage others to do the same. As I mention on that page I intend this resource to be a "beacon of Light" in what is becoming an increasingly confused and often biased and distorted picture of "2012" and the transition of the ages, at a time when total clarity, knowledge and right-thinking, right action and harmony is crucial to the future of humanity and all life on Earth. In this newsletter I have set out to briefly introduce a solid foundation for the entire "2012" phenomena, which can be used to track and understand events as they unfold, relative to the immediate destiny of the human race, all life on Earth and Gaia Herself.
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