
Why SFI is a Great Place to Start
8/8/2009 10:51:39 AM
Look, many of those of us familiar with Internet marketing learned our craft the hard way. School of hard knocks and all that. In the process, we paid in cash, frustration, and time for failed programs, lost dreams, and just plain junk. Eventually, we learned enough about Internet marketing to make a go of it. A couple of things that helped me succeed were past experience in direct marketing and an Internet marketing course that cost me $250. However, over and above that relatively small expense, I literally spent thousands of dollars for things I did not need or did not do what they claimed, and I lost unknown hours trying to learn how to market things online. The reason I often recommend SFI to newbies is NOT because it's the greatest thing since sliced bread, but because it is a FREE way to get an Internet marketing education. If you would like to just see what SFI is about, go to and request the information. Have a great day! Don
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