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Joyce Parker Hyde

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Taken with a grain of salt
8/3/2009 2:26:14 PM
In this article by Larry Ginger he seems to know what he's talking about-but I have my suspicions.

If you are a cat lover then you have to know about natural cat care or the use of only natural remedies and other products for your cats. When it comes to taking care of our feline friends, you have to know that nothing beats using the gifts that mother nature has provided. Through the years, we have been made to believe that the only cat products out there are the ones that can be bought in popular pet stores and groceries. Even some of the veterinarians out there are clueless when it comes to alternatives to conventional cat care products.

It is only recently that the scientific community has began to recognize the value of herbs in treating health issues among animals. Now, more and more veterinarians and cat experts are turning to all natural remedies and products to promote and maintain feline wellness. Recent studies have shown that natural remedies are not only more effective, more importantly, they are safer than conventional healing methods. Many of the popular commercial cat care products contain chemicals and other synthetic ingredients that may be harmful to the health of your cat in the long run. In short, conventional products can do more harm than good.

Your cat deserves nothing but the best in health care. And when it comes to your cat's health and wellness, only natural cat care products make the grade. The best thing about using all natural products is that they are in line and in tune with your cat's innate healing tendencies unlike some commercial products that actually block the natural healing abilities of animals. You've probably heard of the pet food recall that occurred several years ago. That is just one proof that conventional products may cause more harm than benefits to animals. Just as in food, natural products are also best when it comes to remedies of common cat diseases.

One cause of hesitation with the use of natural products among pet owners is the price. While it is true that, natural cat care products cost a little bit more than conventional ones, the difference in cost is just proof that these kinds of products use only the finest ingredients. If you really love your cat, you would not mind the extra cost that premium products entail.

When it comes to taking care of your cat's health, keep in mind that natural cat care products and remedies are the best. These products can be easily bought in specialty pet shops and in natural pet stores on the internet.


The problem with natural remedies that I have is this-how natural can they be if they come in a bottle and you have to get them from a store?
Remember the St John's Wort craze back in the '90's?
People were taking stuff and had no idea if it was ground up cardboard or worse and it often was.
With the FDA doing such a poor job of policing people medicine-I don't know if I would go with unregulated pet products.
But that's just me.

Myrna Ferguson

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Re: Taken with a grain of salt
8/3/2009 7:17:30 PM
Oh dear Joyce,

I used the herbs for my cat.  I found it on the internet and the products are wonderful.  I am very funny about what I give my cat, it is shots and junk they want to pump them fun of. The shots are only needed once, other then the rabies, but that is the law.  If you keep giving your cat the shots there is a lot of time side effects. Cancer being one, the vets are making big money, it is a game, don't fall for it.  Get the herbal remedies. 

Joyce Parker Hyde

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Re: Taken with a grain of salt
8/3/2009 7:48:50 PM
It is so good to have someone to bounce these things off of! Thank goodness Cali is healthy -so far, but I don't want to have to make choices after something happens and I'm a frazzled wreck.
Thanks Myrna

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