As an internet marketer, wouldn't you agree that it's important to know which sources of advertising work and which sources are a waste of time and money? I thought so! Well I found this site that takes the guesswork out of advertising for you. They ''test and review'' online ad services to see which ones work and which ones don't.
Reviews include the following information:
* Name of Advertiser
* Direct link to Advertiser
* Cost of Ad
* Date Paid and Date Run
* Number of Hits
* Number of Signups and Sales if applicable
* Subject Line of Ad
* Copy of Ad if applicable
* Comments on Advertiser
* Rating
For over two years they have been testing and monitoring places to advertise online and have compiled a database of what works and what doesn't.
Their reviews are 100% objective. You will NOT find any banners or affiliate links from their site to other advertising services like their competitors do. That's what makes them different from other Ad Service Review sites.
Plus, if you decide to subscribe to their service from my link, I can give you a FREE Profit Yesterday account ($87 value).
If you think this is something that you could use, just go here:
To your success,
Jenny Biegun