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Paul Hines

343 Posts
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Quit Smoking The Green Way
7/15/2009 7:55:58 PM
Green Smoke is a revolutionary new smoking device which provides a healthier alternative to traditional cigarette smoking.  Smoking traditional cigarettes forces the smoker to inhale thousands of unwanted and unnecessary chemicals and carcinogens along with your nicotine.  With the Green Smoke, that is a thing of the past.

The Green Smoke delivers only the nicotine!  No carcinogens...No tar...No carbon monoxide...feel refreshed yet?  You should, but that's not all...the Green Smoke is not called Green for nothing...the Green Smoke even delivers that nicotine in a completely clean and odorless vapor.  That's because the Green Smoke doesn't burn the nicotine like yesterday's cigarettes...instead it vaporizes it.

How does it do that?  Well...its electric.  That's e-cigarette!  We have e-mail, e-shopping, e-news, e-phones, e-cameras...isn't it time we moved on to the e-cigarettes?  Now you can throw that lighter away along with the rest of your old fashioned cigarettes.  With the Green Smoke, there is no need to light...just pull it out and start will immediately enjoy the same nicotine, but you will be healthier and, by the way, wealthier!

That is because the Green Smoke is not only easy on your lungs, but also easy on your wallet.  In fact, Green smoking will save you up to 75% on your cigarette expenses.  How much is that?  Use our savings calculator to see what that adds up to for you.

What is Green Smoke?  It's a healthier electric cigarette which contains only the nicotine you wants, nothing you don't want, costs a whole lot less than cigarettes, does not have any odor or leave any odor behind on your breath, hands, or clothes, does not cause any second hand smoke, can be smoked anywhere - even in No Smoking Areas, and is by far cleaner for the environment.  Oh, and it comes in six flavors including tobacco, menthol, coffee, chocolate, vanilla, and cherry. See what some Green Smokers have to say about their new smoke.

<a href="">Green Smoke</a>

Paul Hines 386-338-8558

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