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Dave Cottrell

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Baby Boomers, Scammers and Snake Oil Salesmen
7/10/2009 2:43:32 PM
Hi to all my Adlandpro friends, The following is an article I posted 'WAY back in 2005 that I feel could be very helpful in wading through all the hype that's flying around in these difficult times. Following is the article. You can help to protect yourself against scammers by going to Baby Boomers, Scammers and Snake Oil Salesmen by Dave Cottrell Baby Boomers (BBr) make up the single largest group on planet Earth at this time. If you are a BBr, you have a LOT of company! Generally speaking, a BBr is someone who was born between 1946 and 1964. This means that ALL BBrs are now over 40! The BBr group has always been known for being very active and on average, more financially stable than any large group in history. After WWII, the economy boomed in many areas of the world, creating undreamed of wealth especially for westerners. Many of the things we take for granted today would have been considered lavish luxuries for previous generations (cars, washing machines and driers, tvs, electric lights, vacations, etc., etc.) Prior to the BBr generation, people were content to have enough to eat and wear, and a roof over their heads! (Next time you hear someone born before 1946 reminiscing wistfully about the "good old days," remind them that most people at that time walked everywhere, had one pair of shoes, one set of work clothes, and one set of "Sunday-go-to-meeting" clothes!) The Baby Boomer generation has always been known for being very active, travelling extensively, playing hard, and doing everything possible to deny the aging process. But the fact is, BBrs ARE getting older. Add this to the fact that BBrs have more disposable income than any previous generation, and you open up a HUGE market for products that claim to improve health and/or slow the aging process! Do an online search for "health supplements" and you will find 7,481,585 pages on MSN and 6,760,000 on Google! High quality health supplements ARE good for most people. However, not all health supplements are high quality. Many of the products offered are simply a concoction of high-priced chemicals thrown together under a fancy name and some very questionable claims. Back in the "good old days" of the "wild, wild west," scammers known as "snake oil salesmen" used to travel from town to town selling bottles of elixir (read - health supplements), guaranteed to cure virtually all known ailments and conditions. They preyed on people who were suffering, selling them nothing more usually than a concoction of alcohol and some bad-tasting goop dumped in to make it taste legitimate (in those days, the worse medicine tasted, the better it was for you!!) Some of these "medicines" had highly toxic ingredients added like mercury and arsenic. See So what IS a true health supplement? It is something that is taken in addition to the regular food you eat every day. Under FDA guidelines, it cannot claim to cure or treat any condition, ailment or disease. Such claims are illegal unless the product has been subjected to rigorous testing and then labeled as a drug. Today's snakeoil salesmen generally get around this by using "unsolicited testimonials" from people using their products. (The FDA is creating increasingly strict guidelines in this area, too.) It is also worth noting that the Placebo Effect is being seriously studied by accredited researchers at this time. See and Many of the popular supplements available in local stores and pharmacies are chemically derived vitamins and minerals. Such minerals are virtually impossible for the body to absorb, and without them, the vitamins will not be used either. Most pass through the body doing little, if any, good. Taken in large doses, some vitamins and minerals are toxic and actually increase the risk of serious medical conditions. See this document from the Australian government and this one from American Longevity Information Center The best source of useable vitamins and minerals is from the natural food you eat. This means that it is very important to eat a regular, balanced and varied diet of unrefined foods. It is especially important to include an abundance of green, leafy vegetables, and brightly colored fruits and vegetables. Due to the fast-paced lifestyle of BBrs, pollution, and other environmental factors, it is often wise to use supplements. However, the best supplement is one that is totally natural, like a whole juice or berries from a very nutrient-rich plant. Before choosing such a supplement, do some online research. While the company producing the supplement may make many incredible claims supported by so-called "unsolicited" testimonials and "doctors", a quick search online will reveal much about the nutritional value of the source plant used for the supplement, as well as information on the health claims about the plant, research, and validity. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dave Cottrell markets online and off, writes like crazy, and publishes several newsletters and websites including . Permission is hereby granted to reprint this article in full provided this resource box remains unchanged and attached. © 2009 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- God bless, Dave
Re: Baby Boomers, Scammers and Snake Oil Salesmen
7/10/2009 8:38:30 PM
Dave, It is good to see your post. I haven’t seen you posting lately. I have to agree with much that you have to say and would like to add something to it. If a person is going to take supplements there is something they should know about reading labels. When they are purchasing a product it is always a good idea to read the back of the label. When it states that a product is manufactured and distributed by (any company) they can be assured they will get a product of higher quality. The reason being the company produces their product and has control of the manufacturing process, and quality control. When the label reads manufactured by a certain company, but it is distributed by (a different company) it is most likely the product is produced primarily for profit and the distributor does not have total control over the quality of the product. When a person begins a supplemental nutrition program they should document what effect the program has on their overall health. They should have their doctor involved in this process and it should be backed up by complete blood networks every 30-90 days. The reason for this is the blood networks will show any changes that are taking place and this should be documented. They should always ask their doctor for a copy of the test results. You also mentioned that some products may have mercury in them! Before you take your next flu shot, (or any shot) ask your medical practitioner to read the label for you. You will find that many of the shots do have mercury in them. (And to think they will be forcing people to take the shots,) and if they don’t take them they can be quarantined, or possibly sent to jail. It is a fact that this is in the works! Another of the things mentioned was arsenic, and I will have to agree that it is not a good thing to take into your body. However there are thousands of people that are taking it into their body every day as prescription drugs. Their doctor prescribes it as Coumadin and Warfarin! When a person takes these they should be aware of the side effects and also check to see what foods they should avoid because the list is very long. When a person takes medications for lowering their cholesterol they should be aware that if their cholesterol drops below a certain number their stroke ratio factor rises. This gets real tricky and must be moderated closely. A person may want to treat their cardiovascular problems naturally with products that are formulated to control problems with out all of the side effects that are possible when taking prescribed medication. But of course the big pharmacy companies and the FDA do not want you to learn this.
James Kinney The Cardioman Cardio Cocktail Joint Check My Home Page
Dave Cottrell

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Re: Baby Boomers, Scammers and Snake Oil Salesmen
12/22/2012 6:28:49 AM
Hi James,

Like me, you have had a lot of experience in being a human guinea pig! lol

One thing I would add, after five years of having my eyes opened WIDE by our very sadly misinformed and poorly trained medical practitioners in the allopathic field: it is a very good idea to find a WELL trained naturopathic doctor.

Even there, it isn't simple. There are many whose practices are very questionable, and I would recommend that if you visit an ND who seems a little weird and esoteric in approach, she probably IS weird, and not a person you want to trust your health to.

I am blessed to have a very well trained, well educated, constantly studying ND who not only treats with natural medicine, but also is licensed to prescribe antibiotics. He knows very well about the side effects, drawbacks and toxicity of antibiotics, which are an absolute necessity to treat Lyme disease, so he also makes sure I have the supplements needed to detoxify and strengthen my immune system.

Sadly, many folks with Lyme disease are so desperate, they will accept almost any snake oil from anyone who simply claims to be an expert.

I recommend the information I am slowly adding to The Lyme Files and Lyme Clinics

Everything on those site can be shared.

God bless,


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