DoylesRoom players will be making a splash at the inaugural $1,000,000 English Poker Open this September 15th to 17th, 2009.
A huge prize pool combined with a maximum of 270 players will draw
poker’s biggest names from around the globe. The $5,300 Main Event at
host casino Dusk Till Dawn kicks off at 2pm with a starting stack of
10,000. In addition to taking in Nottingham’s local flavors there will
be even more poker, with a number of side events including Event 2, a
£560 NL tourney and a £280 NL Event 3.
Win your seat at DoylesRoom and you’ll receive a $7,000 prize package including:
- $5,000 + $300 USD English Poker Open main event buy in.
- $1,700 for travel and accommodations.
- DoylesRoom Event Gear.
- Personal introduction and photos with Doyle Brunson.
- Autographed edition of Super System 1 and 2.
Satellites Running Now
Win your $7,000 English Poker Open prize package for as little as
$4, up to August 30th. Their first official qualifier was Sunday, July
Register from the Game Lobby
Tournaments > Events > ENGLISH POKER OPEN
