Gary Bacchetti Introduces, "The Gentle Mentor" Internet Marketing Training For Newbies - Without the Carrot.
The dangling carrot seems to have found a nice comfortable home in the Online Internet Marketing Arena.
Just google "home based business opportunity" and watch your screen
fill up with what mentor, Gary Bacchetti calls, "The Carrot
Distribution Network." He went on to say, "You know who they are. The
"regulars" pop up over and over again."
...But when you think about it, the danglers are digging their own
grave one shovel full at a time. What's a carrot dangler? Simply put, a
marketer that has no interest in you whatsoever and blasts you with
offer after offer. When you eventually drain your bank account and
leave in frustration, they simply move on to a fresh pool of newbies.
So how does an aspiring beginning marketer learn this business and
avoid the danglers carrot? "I came across Marina Michaels who seems to
have summed it up with this description," according to Bacchetti... "To
tell the difference between a carrot dangler and someone who genuinely
is trying to help you, watch what happens when you reach for the
carrot. Do they stand in the way and tell you all the reasons why you
can't have it right then? Or do they do their best to help you get that
If they stand in your way, they usually do so while telling you how
much they are helping you and how great that carrot will taste when you
get it. Yet somehow they are always between you and the carrot. That's
a carrot dangler, someone to be avoided unless you like that kind of
drama in your life."
The Gentle Mentor is a no cost, no nonsense marketing and
advertising course aimed at delivering tips, tricks, shortcuts and
money-saving ideas for the new marketer. The Gentle Mentor, a Gary
Bacchetti daily email course, is the first of its kind to "spoon feed"
students with "live" chat and "whiteboarding" sessions.
Students can view each others screens, ask questions and make
changes to their primary programs in a group environment. Details of
the free course can be found here.
According to developer Gary Bacchetti, "I've always had a
sensitivity to the underdog. I also believed strongly in the ethic of
reciprocity or The Golden Rule."