In a town called Sonkajärvi, in Finland, every year they hold a unique contest. The idea is for husbands to carry their wives over an obstacle course of .15-mile in a race and win her weight in beer.
It's an obstacle course across sand, asphalt and grass, over logs and through water. She can be carried piggy-back, fireman style or in a posture of your own invention. If you don't win the race, have no worries. You can win most entertaining couple, or couple with the best costume. Up to this time, no same-sex couples have ever entered the race.
But back to the prize of beer. Do you fatten up your wife for a couple of months beforehand with baked dinners every night, thinking of the 100kg of beer you'll win, but find you're flat out picking her up? Or when you set off with her across your shoulders, all that jiggling flesh bouncing around your head turns the both of you on, and you forget about the beer and race towards the nearest shrubbery.
On the other hand, do you starve her so you can race around the course like a greyhound carrying a twig, but only win a six-pack?
What about the 3rd alternative? Hit the weights 12 months ahead and build yourself up like big Arnie, fatten up the missus and win a pallet of Bud.
It's so hard to find that optimal balance - you want her to weigh more so you can win more beer, but you don't want her to be too heavy so that you can't lift her.
I'll leave it with you...