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Signup for FREE and get 100 FREE PEPs!
6/18/2009 8:17:18 AM

When you join Sqip you get an instant 100 FREE PEPs credited to your account that are worth up to 1500 Euros in cash dividends to you.These are your Stakeholder starter PEPs and are part of SqipComs 50% equity giveaway.Sqip is different, very different; because it shares its success with its members by giving away up to 50% of the company equity in the form of Private Equity Points or PEPs for short.PEPs increase in value as the membership increases. You can benefit from this amazing growth and earn thousands of Euros along the way to getting a final lump sum cash payment when Sqip is aquired or does an IPO.
Signup for FREE now!

Thanks and Regards

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