The voting for July BEST FORUM AWARD is now open:
Fascinating true story at OMNIFORM: "Ode To Life"
If you've never visited R.A.W. Random Adult Wordings...
What's at R.A.W. forum? Here's a sample:
Who says we can't?
Fall in love online?But of course we can...
LaughGet angryLearn new thingsFall from grace
But why?So much timeis so littlein real life
A few daysand then...
Too quick LUVwith hearts and flowersand sparkly graphics
Who says it can't beReal?
When laughter isand anger isand learning isand disrespect isall very RealOnline.
Online luvwith a Uin the middle.
Who are U?The same or differentthan the offline YOU?
Better or worse?The laughter is realThe insults are realThe information is real.
The feelings are realIF we feel.But for WHO?
In real lifewould I just walk past YOU?Probably.But so would you.
Luv u, too.I really do.With a
Tap tapclick clicklog out.Luv'd u, too.
Sign-ups for Lotto Magic have broken all records! The last 4 months have seen more new signups than the past several years! WHY? Because now we're playing 30-state POWERBALL!! Join as a Power Captain and you'll have guaranteed tickets in every drawing of Powerball AND Florida Lotto AND you'll earn up to $50 per signup, recurring monthly, and much more!!! Please watch the online movie, it only takes about 14 minutes and Lotto Magic can dramatically increase your income:
Lotto Magic's new Leadership Bonus Pool pays out if you have 5 Power Captains on your first level who each have 2 PC's on their first level, and also pays MORE if you have 10 who each have 2 Power Captains under them, so it's a good idea to contact all your first-level Power Captains and encourage them to get 2 to 5 signups of their own! You could have an extra $50 or more added to your monthly paycheck if at least 5 of yours each have 2 under them. It could be $100 or more if you have 10 Power Captains on your first level who each have 2 on their first level. GET PAID EXTRA FREE MONEY for something you do anyway, recruiting and encouraging your team!!