We are an International company looking for a few people with a goodwork ethic and the desire to earn an extra income every year workingjust 5-12 hours per week from their homes. Many using our system areearning a good suplemental income every year working part time, andsome have even been able to enjoy the benefits of a full time incomewith the ability to take extended vacations, enjoy more quality freetime with family and friends, and experience financial security! Wehave designed and developed an explosive start to finish turnkeyInternet Marketing System that allows you to be in control of your timeand financial future. No special skills or experience is required. We will give you all thetraining and personal support you will need to ensure your success. Over a million people per week are joining the Internet! Now is thetime to position yourself in front of this explosive trend. I am looking forward to personally working with you toward fulfillingyour dreams and goals. Sincerely, Lenworth Nelsonbizatoz@rogers.com