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Wally Pieper

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Don't Drink the Lemonade
6/11/2009 2:17:05 PM
The topic for today’s network marketers has to do with discernment between reality and fantasy. When it comes to all the so-called opportunities promoted on the Internet, it really is important to separate fact from fiction. One of the characteristics of network marketers, is that we are, as a group, dreamers. This is not a bad thing, because it can serve as motivation to move toward a goal, such as financial freedom. The problem comes in when the blurry eyes fail to catch problems with a program, because they "want" to believe so badly, that reason, and logic, is clouded.

One category of programs that deceive a lot of people are the money game programs. Generally, the people involved in them travel in packs, like wolves. The promotions generally start out; "JUST LAUNCHED- Then whatever." This is the cue to grab a position, hopefully before the rest of the pack. The guy who start's the scam, calls his buddies, to take a position, then the promotion starts. A few (very few) who come in early, might actually make a few bucks, but it's "Fool's Gold", and it's at the expense of a lot of other, what I would call "desperados", a word I use to describe the desperation of the participants of these types of silly games. Hope you're not one of them. If what I'm saying here strikes a little too close to home fear not, the first time is, shame on them, but if you continue to do these things, shame on you.

Another category of programs that catches the attention of a lot of gullible people are the mythical "SPILLOVER" programs. These appeal to the free lunch mentality that is so prevalent these days. It's the same general theme as what's been discussed so far. Once again, mathematical analysis as to the validity of these programs, take's a back seat to the fantasy element. That's why I said, "Don't drink the lemonade." You know who you are. Here's a confession; I have also "been there, done that, got the tee shirt".

Another category of programs, prey on the vulnerability of people with health issues. These folk are willing to believe anything, if they think it will alleviate their problems.  They promote miracle juices, lotions, potions, and pills. These programs comprise a large percentage of what we're subjected to daily. Unfortunately, many people fall for them, only to accumulate a bunch of product that eventually winds up in a landfill. Lot's of people are committed to a monthly auto-ship of this stuff, that drains the family budget, causes much disillusionment, and often, family stresses.  << This guy looks like my father, after I tell him about another deal.

There are assorted other deals out there, to beware of. These include products that capitalize on the latest fads, environmental issues, and the global warming religion. Watch out for the gas pill deals that circulate every few years. They seem to be in vogue again. You've been warned.

Then; of course, we have the "Pump and Dump" HOT STOCKS coming at us all the time. Here's how that SCAM works. Pick a penny stock, it really doesn't matter which one in particular, because the value of the company is in your imagination. The con men buy a big position, then SPAM the world, telling everybody the value will soar. This creates a buying frenzy, driving the price up, at least for a day or so. The pushers sell once they make a 200% profit, then they push another junker the next day. This stuff will drive you wacky, steer clear, it's not worth it.

My grandpappy summed it up pretty good when he said; "They ain't nobody don't not never git somethin fer nothin, notime, nowhere, noplace, nohow, no-way, no not never"
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