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Firepow Blog Software In Coming!
5/31/2009 2:43:02 PM

Hi Everyone,

Next month see's the launch of the much awaited Firepow Blogging Software from Andrew Hansen.

Of course many people are contemplating, as they do with many products, whether or not this will be the boost they need to unlock the door to online business success. This article will look at what about this product is pure hype, and what might be an actual benefit, in order that you might form an educated opinion about this program.

I might play devils advocate and start with the negative.

Firstly let it be clearly known that no product, software, ebook or membership, is going to make you money - YOU have to do the work YOURSELF - sales letters love to give the impression that a product will do something FOR you but unless you're willing to MAKE IT happen yourself - nothing will help you.

I expect Firepow to fit this category. Particularly because it's a software that automates certain tasks, I expect it convey the feeling of doing things for you. So don't fall for it - whatever it says, remember that YOU will have work to do and if you're not ready to do that then this product won't help you.


Phew, now that that's out of my system, we can continue.

What does seem good about Firepow so far is that it combines the functions of various pieces of software into one 'machine' so to speak - which if only for the sake of nothing else but convenience, makes it a good thing. Less programs on my computer, less to think about, and hopefully less to do.

The things it combines are the tasks of (as the sales letter indicates) creating, marketing and managing your niche blog sites.

It does these things with the use of wordpress plugins, and features inside a central software, from where you can view or edit any of your blog sites - another big convenience factor.


The plugins are both a list compiled from existing plugins on the internet and those created specially by Andrew himself.

It's these fresh meat plugins that seem to be the big selling point as promises have been made of effects like stealing viral traffic, multiplying your content automatically, and giving the site owner the capacity to get in touch with other site owners for extra leverage.

Supposedly it does everything from create your site (content too) to get you traffic and beyond - a hard ask for any program and I guess we'll have to wait to see whether it delivers.

Most of us know that niche blogging works but just haven't connected the dots fully yet. If that's you - Firepow might be worth a look.


To your success

Brad Romesberg

Ps.What if you found a complete automatic system
that literally earn you $50, $100 or even $200 each and
every day after you complete just 3 simple steps that'll
take less than 15 minutes to do?

Bradley D Romesberg

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