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Thomas Richmond

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Want to build your Twitter followers list virally?
5/30/2009 1:05:27 PM

I just found this site that shows you a way
of getting 1000's of new followers on twitter,
I just started using it myself and it's
starting to work already.  :)
Thought it might interest you.

Thomas Richmond :)

AT YOUR SERVICE. Drop A Line With The Pros!! Chief Administrator & Support
Re: Want to build your Twitter followers list virally?
5/30/2009 3:37:51 PM
I been on tweetter for sometime now and was getting people to follow me and getting in touch with them and the fool that owns the place shut me down and said nothing not a thing at all. I wrote to the idot it took 3 letters to get an answere that I was getting to many follwers so they shut me down for awhile and would not tell me how long. My stuff is still there but to have an idot like that running the place I do not need in my life anymore. From whatI can tell a lot of people getting a lot of people but he cut me off. Now I am on but do not go there. My space is better and adland pro and plumdrop they do not cut anyone off.
Charlie Wasylk
Re: Want to build your Twitter followers list virally?
5/30/2009 3:42:17 PM
from what I see a pyirardmid deal they will shut yopu down fast. You can not have to many followers. Good luck
Charlie Wasylk
Jason Lamure

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Re: Want to build your Twitter followers list virally?
5/30/2009 4:05:39 PM
Hi Thomas,

Viralfollowers seems to be working for me.

Charlie...dude you need to mellow out man....

I just followed a guy with over 8000 followers
so I am not sure what you just posted makes

I'm a newbie to twitter but not marketing online.

After checking the twitter terms of service there
was no mention of any problem with having too
many followers.

They do not even have any issue with using the
site for business purposes.

Even my local radio station in Otttawa
has radio personalities that Tweet...I know
cause I follow "Eric the Intern" at Chez106
Classic Rock in Ottawa.

For even more proof that they won't shut
you down for having lots of followers check
out this video



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Thomas Richmond

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Re: Want to build your Twitter followers list virally?
5/30/2009 4:14:24 PM

Its alright Jason thanks for having my back buddy but im sure Charlie, a new member here i see is a little confused of what a pyramid scheme is,

Since Twitter is a free account and gain followers for free traffic and friends it is in my opinion one of the best free traffic marketing programs on the net, since its online appearance back in 2007 it has grown by the millions. 

 Being among a few here at Adlandpro who has developed from there marketing skills could tell you that. I think i just did.

Thank you Charlie for dropping by.

God_bless you.

- Bizzy Thomas

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