Quickly Generate Subscribers to Your List.
Downline Builders Direct : 31.6% optin
$197 OTO to mail to 20,000 every 2 days. This one is actually
very new, but has some unique features. #1, they allow you to mail to
500 members with a free membership. #2, a paid platinum membership lets
you mail
to a full 2,000 members every 3 days!
Viral URL is the only one which can compare at : 30.8% optin
List Joe : 7.8% optin
Lots of Clicks not much action. Not Recommended.
Leads Leap : 29.5% optin
Worth Upgrading In! A Large amount of Leads, over 3.8 million to advertise too.
Do the math – most of these List builders allow you to mail to 2000 or
more members every 3 days, one for a Lifetime at $197. It’s like
running a solo ad every 2 days, or 178 times- for $197! That’s a deal!
Go for it, grow YOUR list!
Graham D.