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Turn Your ARTICLES to Live-Talking VIDEOS in 3 Minutes!
5/24/2009 8:06:54 PM
Revolutionary software turns your
articles to video in 3 minutes!

I found this great article marketing tool called
Article Video Robot which is just absolutely

This tool can turn any article (even PLR
articles) to a Live Talking Video in front of
your eyes..

You have to try this out...

The best part about this tool is that it is
extremely easy to use.. you don't even have touch
a camera or leave your desk to convert your
articles into videos with AVR!

All you have to do is Copy & Paste Your Article
Into This Software And it just Converts Your
Article Into A Hot Marketable Video Instantly!

Here is a Direct Link To the Software: No
registration or CC reqd. Plus, it's Fully Browser
Based - So No Download Or Installation either.
You really have to check this out right now!

No more excuses for not making your own video :)

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