LOL Jayson! I know how you feel!
BUT being skinny now will probably keep you from getting fat when you're older, when all your friends are 35+ and getting big bellies, you'll still probably be able to eat everything all day and still look okay. I was skinny until I got into my 20's and then just gained weight to "normal" and still not FAAAATTT yet.
My lifetime pet peeve, I have all this light this!! So people think they can make a commentary about it! Those are probably the same people who pay extra to see white tigers at the zoo. They should pay me to listen to their ignorant commentaries. Then I definitely would NOT spend it on a spray-on tan. Why do people spend MONEY to have themselves spray painted orange just so they can look like all the other orange painted people who are also stupid enough to spend money on it? The wallet-emptying non-brilliance of peer pressure!
My mom ordered extra graduation photos when i finished high school, and the photo place also thought I looked too light so they "fixed up" my photos...looked orange, not tan, made me really mad, we didnt ask for it, I am who i am who i am! I didn't give any of those to people, then my mom was mad because she had spent money on the extra pictures.
Are we all supposed to be of the exact same skin tone and height and weight? The boredom would be mind-numbing.