Hello friends,
I have been a big fan of EFT for a long time and have felt the power of EFT in my own life many times.
If you are not familiar with EFT, it is "Emotional Freedom Technique."
If you are familiar with EFT or "tapping", you know that it has the potential to transform your life.
There is a new documentary film, "Try It On Everything" and now the producers of this film are bringing even more life changing information to you.
They've created a very exciting event - The EFT World Summit - that we believe is the first of it's kind.
And here's the REALLY great news: You can gain access to this event, for F.R.E.E.
But what's even better is that you won't have to travel, or book a hotel, or sit in a meeting room...you can experience the entire event from the comfort of your own home!
The event is called the EFT World Summit and features some of the top minds and practitioners in the world of Emotional Freedom Techniques, such as Carol Look, Dr. Patricia Carrington, Brad Yates, Bob Doyle, Carol Tuttle...in fact, there will be over 16 instructors in all...
Just take a look here at what you will get, at NO CHARGE to you:
==> http://www.tryitoneverything.com/cmd.php?Clk=2969159
All of these experts will gather together their combined knowledge to immerse you in the world of EFT, to help you create better emotional and physical health, prosperity, clarity, energy focus and much, much more.
I have never seen a panel like this assembled before, so I would like to encourage you to get registered right away....
==> http://www.tryitoneverything.com/cmd.php?Clk=2969159
I am telling everyone we know and you can feel free to pass this email along to anyone you feel would benefit from the EFT World Summit too.
I look forward to connecting with YOU soon and sharing the EFT experience.
PLEASE let me know you are participating and we can share notes, ok?
Many blessings for your prosperity and well being.
Happy tapping!
Pps - You can experience this entire EFT World Summit event from the comfort of your own home here...
==> http://www.tryitoneverything.com/cmd.php?Clk=2969159