New DocumentCheck this out.. I was invited to be part of this great JV with a
TON of ebooks and software. It is expected to get me about 15,000
members in just a few days. Who knows, maybe up to 20,000+ new members.
The promotion will have over 200,000 visitors in just a few days. So the
exposure will be great. The promoter, Jason James has asked me if I knew
anyone that would want to participate in this venture... Since I know
YOU also have a site that could work with this, you were one of the first people
I thought of. I think you will really like what they are doing here and I
know you will jump on board like I did ASAP. To get the " by
Invititation Only" private JV details, just go here. There is
only a few days to get involved. Thanks, Trina L.C. Sonnenberg
P.S. - There's even cash prizes of up to $500 for the top
contributors... You can't miss this: