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Robert De Merode

669 Posts
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How to setup a private video on your website.
4/14/2009 3:06:52 AM

Hello All,

I know that we all have our own ideas about how to do things, as well for in the video world. But this is a new site I discovered and believe it has its own particular interest in so far as that when you need to have a video on your website and do not wish it to be on YouTube for any reason here is an answer.

Friendly yours,


((youtube id="TdtETTaDNoM"))((/youtube))


Lydia Fokina

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Re: How to setup a private video on your website.
4/14/2009 3:22:00 AM

Hi Robert, thanks for interesting information, I'll try.

Maybe, it'll be interesting to somebody, how to download videos from Youtube.

YouTube does not allow users to download the rollers published on this resource.

Whether you wish to know, how to bypass this annoying restriction? There are lot of programs, allowing to make it by several clicks of the mouse. But also it is possible to take advantage WEB - service. Advantage consists that for their use you will not need to establish on the computer any special programs, the browser suffices.


So, to keep a roller on the computer from YouTube, copy the link to a roller,  go on and paste link in the field of input, then click on DOWNLOAD. After that you immediately receive references for downloading, and You can look it when You will want, without coming into the Internet.


KeepVid Youtube Video Downloader v3.0: also works with Dailymotion, Metacafe and many more.

Download videos DIRECT from Youtube and most video sites - Simply copy the link of the page with the video on it and paste it in the text box below: eg.

How to use

1. Choose the site you want to download from: eg. Youtube.
2. Copy the link of the page with the video on it and paste it in the textbox above.
3. If you download an flv video file, you need an FLV video player.

Need help on how to download videos from Youtube or any other video sites? Read the KeepVid FAQ.

I tryed, it works. Did You try?

Best wishes, lydia


Robert De Merode

669 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Re: How to setup a private video on your website.
4/14/2009 3:42:32 AM

Hello Lydia,

Thanks for coming by, and for your input.

It’s a constant learning and education world the Internet. Once you know something, then it’s already out of date! Huhu! You can’t win.

That is why I love the adage; “In times of change the learners inherit the world, and the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that … no longer exists.”

Too often the trouble resides in that there is something very basic that has escaped our understanding, and then its dilemmas, embarrassments and maybe more all along.

Friendly yours,




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