
Who is Sam Sunday?

Sam Sunday

Sam Sunday
Member SinceSunday, November 26, 2006
Last ActivityMonday, December 22, 2014
LocationVictoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria Nigeria
About Me
About Me
Hello friends,

I am known as SAMIPLUS in the net and from the West African Country of Nigeria where I live and work. Though a Geoscientist, I have high interest in writing, publishing, photography and internet Marketing where possible (I am still learning online marketing).

I enjoy making great friends, a little blogging once in a while, good jokes, inspiring stories, interacting with children, giving a helping hand to those in need and praising God Amighty.

A jolly good Nigerian ready to assist you in raising your confidence in your uniqueness and self-reliability anytime!
Thank you for stopping by.

POTW Awards:
POTW #105 (29-07-2007)

POTW #195 (24-06-2009)

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