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Peter Fogel

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4/7/2009 2:25:34 AM

Hello Friends,

Yesterday I had a chat with a very good friend of mine and he expressed his concern at what he called some of my "extreme" posts, comments and remarks about BHO.

One of his complaints was that BHO is the President and should be respected for that alone. I tried to explain that I have much respect for the Office of the President but none at all for the man in office. There is a great difference in that concept and many may not comprehend the nuance here.

Unfortunately the conversation wasn't finished cos he claimed I wasn't listening while in fact I did reply to all his questions. I have a feeling that there might be many others that see this issue in the same manner and I want to reiterate that those same people didn't complain when President Bush was bashed endlessly and in many cases justifiably but think BHO should be treated differently.

To all those that question my posts and comments I want to say that no President's constitutional right to hold that high office was ever questioned. 

No President prior to BHO failed to disclose all necessary information that proves that he is eligible to be President nor did they hire lawyers Nationwide to quash all attempts to attain proof of his eligibility (or not) and use fear tactics at the same time. The man is hiding information he doesn't want us to know about.

No President has done so much to bring the USA to the brink of bankruptcy in such a short time as BHO has and that includes his actions and the actions of the party he leads prior to his election.

No President strives as BHO does to wreak havoc on the Constitution and show that it doesn't apply to him.

No President ever tried to create a private army as BHO has (Bill passed).

Friends the list goes on and on and I haven't even mentioned his giving up US sovereignty to foreign hands, his rabid support of Radical Islam, his support both financial and other to illegal immigrants or his turning the USA into a Socialist country.

I hope this post  helps my friend and others understand my deep concerns and the reasons for using my forum to express my fears for the survival of the USA.

To end this letter I am going to enter a short PM I received from an Adland member that is a friend that I don't know very well yet. I hope that changes in the near future. It will be anonymous but I want to show that my concerns are shared with many and I received  messages from others expressing their fears as well.

"USA obama mad

Peter can we move to Israel? Not sure of usa now. God in charge but. Thanks for your input and forums i really enjoy and appreciate them."



P.S. for those that are not aware I hold dual citizenship both US and Israeli. 


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Robert De Merode

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4/7/2009 5:26:42 AM

Hello Peter,

You are right in posting this information. Too often the mixing up of the person and the function or the person and the ideas that he promotes are the roots for misunderstandings. It happens in all fields. Today a president is too often voted into office as if it where a miss-world contest, some vote the candidate for his looks, others for his smart talk and if the talk is about politics then the winner is he that offers the best deal for a personal acquisition, mix all these attributes up an on average the winner is in. Majority is the rule, even if in this field it can also be twisted according to some sophisticated proportional input. My question is; does the vote of an eighteen year old junior employee have the same weight as a successful and respectable CEO? In democracy it does, we are all equal… Hmmm! … some more so than others. One more question: Is majority the truth when we hear (and see with our own eyes) the sayings that one can fool a thousand people for a while but not for always? When the damage is done it will be for the fooled to cope with the mess.

The man is not the function, as neither is it the gun that did the shooting.

Friendly yours,

Peter Fogel

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4/7/2009 6:46:08 AM

Hi Robert,

Thanks for your input on this open letter.

In democracies all votes are equal and I wouldn't have it any other way. Without a doubt many vote for one candidate or another for reasons that aren't always political in nature. Charisma has a lot to do with it and this time around people of all ages fell for the charismatic individual who is also a great speaker (when he has his teleprompter in front of him - without it he's full of uh uhs and makes bad mistakes).

There is one point you mentioned that I disagree with partially.One more question: Is majority the truth when we hear (and see with our own eyes) the sayings that one can fool a thousand people for a while but not for always? When the damage is done it will be for the fooled to cope with the mess.  When this happens not only they have to cope with the mess but each and every one of has to cope with it. Saying I told you so neither helps nor solves the problem. I've spoken to  people and read that many already regret their decisions to vote for BHO. Doesn't help much now does it?



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Robert De Merode

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4/7/2009 9:01:59 AM

Hello Peter,

You say that in democracy all votes have an equal weight, and you would not have it any other way. Okay, but then you do also admit that when it goes wrong in your last sentence, that now (having foreseen the error) it does not help much. So histories errors are no lessons for improvements of today’s insights? (You’re pushing it Robert, that’s not what Peter meant!)  I believe there are very many better ways of government, as well as election principles. Democratic voting, in my humble opinion is too important for leaving thereby a nation in the fate of tendencies, fashions, beliefs or other hysterics, because a government is responsible for the country’s future, actions and wellbeing, not the other way round. Effectively, we are living therefore in what I see as a democratic totalitarianism for the sake of giving “freedom” for all to vote for what the majority (usualy me included) know nothing much about. Hypocritical freedom that may well cost us all an arm and a leg in the shortcoming future.

Friendly yours,


Geketa Holman

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4/8/2009 10:37:05 AM
Hi Peter,

I am so glad you started this thread. You covered everything very well. I agree with what you have said and my reasons are much like your own. What many others do not realize is that Obama was the most liberal senator in the white house . If that isn't bad enough he still refuses to show the American public that he is actually eligible to set in the seat as president of the US. How can we as Americans respect some one is such a place of importance if he will not be honest and open. If he hiding his birth records,college records and hiring teams of lawyers to stop us from finding out these important facts about him ,than what else is he hidding ?

I did my homework before I voted and what I learned about him was destrubing. I learned he has friends that are labled as terriorist, he refused to salute the American flag, hates the Star Spangle Banner, our national athem and went by the name of Barry SOETORO in college. Need I say more as to why he didn't get my vote or why I have no respect for him as a president.  I should think not. lol

 But, I will let us not forget ACORN his grass roots  pet project that is still under investigation for voter fraud in many states. He shows no respect for the Americans whom he was elected to serve and none for the Constitution of America.

I like yourself Peter respect the postion of the President but have none for the person seated in the office today.He dose not deserve my respect nor will he get it.



Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one

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