Hello Peter,
All I can say is " NO SHIT?!" the warning signs have been out there for many years and yes generations. We just keep electing those with these very ideologies into office.
Pelosi is now the most powerful person in the United States.
Let me say that again
"Nancy Pelosi is the most powerful person in the United States"
now one more time
"Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of House is the most powerful person in the United States."
maybe this time it will sink in.
" Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House, in concert with Barney Franks, the Chairman of the Finance Committee, you know the ones that oversee Freddie and Fannie, and Harry Reid, Senate Majority Leader are the most powerful people in the United States."
Along with Chris Dodd the guy that allowed the AIG bonuses to happen and now more that are going to Merryl Lynch are all guilty of treasonous acts and assault on the US Constitution, which by the way they swore an oath to uphold and defend, and should be charged, jailed and tried just like Bernie Madoff and anyone else guilty of such acts.
Why is this germain to Mr. Thomas?
Because most Liberals are Democrats and we now have a Liberal President, with a Liberal Led Congress. They have yet to decide which to model themselves after,
WWII Germany?
or some Islamists Fascist mix?
All of which Americans have defended this country against in the past with lives of our own soldiers and many others. None of which has a successful model of achievement for the people.
"WE The PEOPLE" are no longer being represented by our representatives, this needs to change before they enslave us all!
Go to a Tea Party!
Find folks like yourself get together, speak up, be heard, write all your political representatives, call them, make them hear you!
Before it is too late.
Time is running out fast!
Happy Palm Sunday,