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Robert De Merode

669 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Person Of The Week
Your Personal Invitation For your opportune information if you live in Cyprus!
4/2/2009 6:14:19 AM

Success University events in Cyprus.

Presented by our Ambassador Kalpesh Patel.


Wednesday 8 April: 19:00 “Creating wealth in turbulent times”.

(Apotheikes Venue)  - Larnaca

Street 81 Agiou Lazarou


Thursday 9 April: 19:00 “Leadership training”.

(Hilton Park) – Nicosia


Friday 10 April: 19:00 “Training the mind of an Entrepreneur”.

(Apotheikes venue) Larnaca


Cost (10 Euros at the door per event.)



Let’s make 2009 the year to show the

World it can and will be done!


Don’t let the recession be your excuse

-         Make it your “why”


“More gold has been mined from the brains of men than from the mines of the earth.”

Napoleon Hill.


Waiting to see and meet you there!

Friendly yours Robert,


My contact who will be present is John Bonnett


 Real success


Robert De Merode

669 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Person Of The Week
Re: Your Personal Invitation For your opportune information if you live in Cyprus!
4/4/2009 5:52:26 PM

With full details:

Wednesday 8th April:  19:00 - Creating Wealth in Turbulent Times

(Apothikes Agios Lazaros, 81 Agiou Lazarou, Larnaca, 6020)

By attending this seminar you will learn

how to identify the HUGE opportunities that lie in turbulent times

the attitude and mindset that is needed to thrive in such conditions

what the secrets of the wealthy are and how to apply them

Thursday 9th April:      19:00 - Leadership Training

(Hilton Park, Nicosia)

By attending this seminar you will learn

what qualities differentiate leaders from followers

how you can take control of your own destiny

how to be an inspirational leader to the people around you

Friday 10th April:        19:00 - Training the Mind of an Entrepreneur

(Apothikes Agios Lazaros, 81 Agiou Lazarou, Larnaca, 6020)

 By attending this seminar you will learn

how entrepreneurs see the opportunities everyone else misses

what mindset is needed to breakthrough challenges and

key actions for you to begin training your own mind to think like an entrepreneur

Saturday 11th April:  11:00 - The Nuts & Bolts of Network Marketing

(Apothikes Agios Lazaros, 81 Agiou Lazarou, Larnaca, 6020)

By attending this seminar you will learn

how Kalpesh has built the fastest growing team in Success University and went from $0
to $2,000 a day in just 2 years

what the keys are to being successful in network marketing

why we are in the following two years moving into what is going to be known as the 'golden era of network marketing'

The cost will be €10 on the door. Or €5 if paid in advance.


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