Hello Peter,
Well now there is unequivocal proof it seems the the MSM was complicit in hiding the truth from the people. Plausible Deni ability seems to be the game of decade, still yet.
Had these facts and this story been given equal air time as would have been required by the "Fairness Doctrine" before the rewrite, then the election would probably been much different.
In that the many disparaged Republicans would not have jumped one sinking ship for another but worked for real solutions that abides by the LAWS of the Land instead of this sudo dictatorship we are heading full tilt towards.
I must also say that God governs our souls not our bodies. If I am not mistaken the Bible and most religious writings, suggest following the righteous leaders and overthrowing the pious.
Breaking commandments to win elections just somehow doesn't correlate to the discussion at hand as right now does it?
So much information was available and left unreported by most of MSM (main stream media) and this is why there such a distasteful air over this election and presidency.
In the words of the Black Panthers at the Philadelphia polls " This is what is and that is what was and no longer matters." So the Bush argument is moot, thank you.