
Why TriVita?
3/30/2009 7:32:37 PM
Why TriVita?
Posted: 03-30-2009 05:31 PM
Why TriVita?

They're a mission-based, customer driven health and wellness company founded in 1999 by Michael Ellison, and located in Scottsdale, Arizona.

It's not a start up so you don't have to worry about the company disappearing or failing as most start ups do. They have a 10 year proven track record.

If being involved in a business that's based on purpose and integrity is important to you, then read on and find out more on why this business is so unique:

By the way, TriVita is Much MORE than a network marketing company.

It may pay on multiple tiers, but recruiting and selling are NOT required to generate wealth. This is a major distinction between a cooperative marketing and a traditional network marketing business model

Here are some more reasons why I feel this is the perfect business:

  • TV Infomercials Sell For You
  • Company does all the Follow Up
  • No Stocking Products, if you don’t want to
  • No Selling to Customers, if you don’t want to
  • Customer Back-End Marketing
  • No Daily Operation Headaches
  • Unique and Healthy Business Model
  • 6 Different Ways of being paid with a unique compensation model   

Many people join businesses at home seeking to leave their full time job or to have extra money to help pay those bills and live their life more fully.

But sadly, most of them NEVER earn a single check!

The one main reason for this is because most people don't like to sell.

A healthy business model is one based on customers, not distributors. If you share a business with someone else and they choose to leave, your income will drop. If you have a business based on customers, then you have true residual income.

In a business focused more on enrolling some distributors, most will never build a re-ordering customer base because they're resistant to having to sell, which is the backbone of ANY business.

True residual income is ONLY created one way... customer acquisition and customer retention.

Just follow these steps to get ALL the details on this unique business.   Go to:

Step 1:   Watch the movie.

Step 2:   Review the company, product and compensation information.

Step 3:   Listen to the Frequently Asked Questions and testimonials.


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