Hi Jim, Once again we are being informed by Jim Allen, who dares to give the truth. Thanks Jim. I for one do appreciate you and your efforts to inform with the correct stuff--the "in your face" truth. But, guess what....most of us are not listening. And guess what else....the same scenario happened in Germany about 80 years ago. Hitler was a very smooth talker. He rocked them to sleep. And by the time they woke up it was too late to take action. They had to be rescued by OUTSIDERS--Americans!! Jim, it is very scary what's happening here, in America. The constitution is being trashed by a president who belongs to a generation that does not even know how to spell the word. Civics was expunged from our educational system years ago. The main question I have right now: how can we wake people up?? I don't know about you, but for me the solution is to wake myself up. And then, with that task done, I need to spread the word, like you're doing, Jim. Reality is hard to face and twice as hard to accept. And the reality is, we have a generation of people with eyes to see but refuse to see. But then, after viewing this Sharia Finance video, it may already be too late for any kind of effective action. And in contrast to Germany of past years, there are no OUSIDERS available for the rescue mission. There will most likely be no D-day for this America. May God have mercy on us.
Peace, Alan FIndly