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Flag of John Leal

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Not just obscene, it's absurd...
3/23/2009 7:41:30 PM


Here's an interesting article for my friends in the US from our Brisbane daily newspaper The Courier-Mail under the title of "Not just obscene, it's absurd." I might add that this madness is happening in Oz as well.

The frenzy over the AIG and other executive bonus payouts in the US is disturbing less for the sheer stupidity of it all but much more for what it says about the developing mindset.

Now of course these AIG bonuses - or most of them - should not have been paid. It is not just obscene but absurd for a company that's basically gone broke, to be paying bonuses.

Does the word still have any meaning? You are supposed to pay and receive a bonus for SUCCESS. Further, to describe AIG as "going broke" is a massive understatement of just how comprehensively disastrous it was and is.

The sheer stupidity of it is captured by asking the simple question: WHY were the bonuses paid in the first place? Because they were specifically authorised by President Obama's boy genius Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner and by the very politicians who are now venting loudest and longest, the Democratic leadership in Congress. This in itself is a sobering instruction of the dangers you face when you have politicians trying to micro-manage business activity.

The "solution" the congress that approved the bonuses has now come up with to attack them is mind-bogglingly stupid. Making the very healthy assumption that it is constitutional. To tax them at 90 - 100 per cent, or perhaps even more. But not just the AIG bonuses but ALL bonuses paid by companies getting bailout money.

Does the Obama Administration want the bailouts to work or fail? Forget about the specific banks and companies themselves, their executives and boards of directors; I'm talking about work to avoid a replay of the Great Depression.

This would have to be the mother of all "spite yourselves". Damaging the bailouts purely so you can grandstand on bonuses which are trifling in the bigger scheme of things.

There's an even more specific stupidity. The US Government and taxpayers now have investments adding to hundreds of billions of dollars in AIG and other companies. The attack not just on AIG bonuses, but specifically any and ALL bonuses paid by companies getting bailout money is an attack on your own investment.

Bad enough as all that is, the bigger worry is the growing sense of people wanting the US to pull up the drawbridge, so to speak.

Running parallel with the bonus indignation is outrage at much of the bailout money given to AIG flowing on to other financial institutions. Including, gasp gasp, to NON-AMERICAN ONES! OUR money actually going to FOREIGNERS!

It's early days for the Obama Administration, but hello...
Flag of Jim Allen

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Re: Not just obscene, it's absurd...
3/23/2009 8:00:24 PM

Hello John,

It is totally absurd and stupidity is running rampant in the halls of congress.  These bozos, thieves and enemies of the republic are running out of excuses and reasonable rationale. 

This is a huge money laundering scheme rivaled only by the "Food for Oil" and the "Iran Contra" affairs.  More costly and potentially more damaging to this country and world.

But!  Slowly and as surely as we have in the past the American people are waking up to a new reality, partially of their own making, and more of us are resolving to find ways to be heard and change the course, yet again.



May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Flag of Neil Sperling

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Re: Not just obscene, it's absurd...
3/23/2009 9:12:37 PM

It's all part of the plan --- check the plan here

Flag of Jim Allen

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Re: Not just obscene, it's absurd...
3/23/2009 10:18:31 PM
Video was featured
--it's a few days old, but only made its YouTube appearance a few hours ago--I would by no means be disappointed if he continued along his present path. The success or failure of America depends largely upon the success or failure of the GOP ...

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Flag of Jo Anne Green

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Re: Not just obscene, it's absurd...
3/23/2009 10:46:55 PM

Sunny Greetings from California, John!

I believe that what we have seen recently regarding reactions from Obama and the extreme left leaning members of the U.S. Congress toward AIG qualified as selective outrage. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have been grossly corrupted for decades, yet Obama has never raised his concern over who had received bonuses in millions of dollars at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

I would like to share with you all
what the syndicated columnist Mark Steyn recently wrote:

"Are you outraged by these AIG bonuses? No, no. For Pete's sake, you're an A-list congressional big shot. Try to get a bit of feeling into 'outraged.' The president's teleprompter puts it in italics, bold, capitalized and underlined: OUTRAGED! That's better. Don't forget to furrow your brow and fume. No, not like a camp waiter when you send back the arugula salad drizzled in an aubergine coulis. We're looking for primal, righteous anger: You're outraged, OUTRAGED that bonuses are being handed out at companies the American taxpayer is bailing out. Yes, to be sure, the bonuses were specifically provided for in the legislation, but, like all busy senators and congressmen, you don't have time to read every footling trillion-dollar bill before you vote in favor of it. And yes, true, the specific passage addressing these particular bonuses was, in fact, added to the bill in your name, but that was nothing to do with you -- you just did that because the White House asked you to, and just because their people called your people and some intern in your office drafted some boilerplate with your name on it is no reason for you to be denied 10 minutes of grandstanding on MSNBC. It's an outrage to suggest you're anything other than outrageously outraged!" 

I couldn't have said better myself!!!

Until next time--

Have a Blessed Week!

JoAnne Green
Principal / International Risk Management Advisor

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