As the first of 4 partners comes onboard with the ads begin to cover the area of Costa Rica we will
first work in. As the second partner comes onboard we have man on the ground for 3 months, building the business. As
onboard we execute the 12 Miss Funrunners Costa Rica Contest and concerts, soon the whole country knows what is and wants to be apart of it, the magazine is posting the deals as well as real information about Costa
Rica. Each month has a medical, dental, real estate, retirement, tours, investors, and shopping section. As well as
recommended only advertisers, also a special on one town, photos , video, text , everything about that one town. So
much More
OK SACRED THE ECONOMY IS WEAK. Yeah right, and that is GREAT for us.
Every Hotel, B & B , restaurant, tour, bar, nightclub, private business will pull us in the door to sign up. And then they
never will leave us.
2,000,000 tourist a year, off about 300,000 this year expected, so lets just take off about 500,000 to safer than safe.
1,200,000 tourist a year, if the magazine can get ONE percent of that number as subscibers that would generate
$120,000 a month . 10% would be $1,200,000 a month. and as one part your share of the magazine would be 7.5% and
7.5% of the So of the ONE percent subscribers, 120k month you would earn roughly $7500 a month
from the magazine or $90,000 a year and of course when we get to 10% you add a zero and you are making 900k a year
only on the mag.
the 7.5% from the will be excellent also, but probably not as much as the magazine Lets say only $75,000
a year from the Well you do the figuring,
I am looking for 4 partners Investment is $20,000 1/2 on signup and 1/2 in 60 days .
256 237 1749 , I am looking for partners to start this now. I need ot be there next week knocking on doors,