national motor club
Here is the #1 company on the planet, NATIONAL MOTOR CLUB! They are a 52 year old company, based in Dallas, TX. with a A PLUS BBB rating, paying every week on time. We sell a membership that cost only $18 per month and every one needs our services. The company pays us 12 ways, if you sell 1-2 memberships a week the company pays $72 for each membership 2 memberships = $144 that week, If you sell 3-6 memberships in a week, the company pays $88 for each membership lets say you sold 6 memberships in a week that would earn you 6 X $88 =$ 528 a week X 4 weeks = over $2,000 a month, again that is just selling 6 memberships a week. Now if you sell 7 or more memberships a week the company will pay you $97 for each $18 membership 7 X $97 = $679 per week X 4 = $2,716 a month X 12 months = $32,592 a yr. you will make, not counting the bouns money.
Everyone is making money with this, here is my website take a good look,
Here are 2 recorded calls listen to both calls they are awsome. 712-432-1286 pin 676837# 2nd recorded call is 218-339-2599 pin 1082431# We have live conference calls Monday-Thursday @ 9pm CST, 10pm EST dail 646-519-5860 pin 6219# PS NATIONAL MOTOR CLUB is different, every one must past a back ground check to become a rep with this company, how many home based opportunities do that! This is a real solid company! ILOVE IT!
Frank 614-626-0126
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