I found this on SpokeUp.com the social, political site ran by FOX Business New's Cody Willard. If you haven't spoke up at SpokeUP.com, then you probably aren't being heard.
The following is happening within a few yards of our southern borders. Oh we need to wake up folks.
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Dear Friend,
You must take a look at this incredible video-it says more in a few minutes than thousands of words on the subject. It is in Spanish so let me tell you what you're watching.
It is a gun battle between the Mexican police and members of the Gulf Cartel outside a children's school in the border town of Reynosa. The gang members were armed with machine guns and grenades, and over ten people were killed. This happened a few weeks ago just miles from McAllen, TX. And it happens every day in different Mexican towns. If our border isn't secured soon battles like this will be happening in our own cities.
Now can someone please tell me why Obama won't secure our border? Team America will keep well informed so you can help us stop this insane policy of open borders.
Let's pray God keeps blessing America.
P.S. For those of you in the area, I'll be speaking at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, VA this coming Monday March 9 at 7:00 PM at the Gibson Room in Cocke Hall [Click Here for map of UVA]. Please contact Anne Bowie at adb2z@virginia.edu for questions.
Thanks for watching and be sure to share this info.