Our friend from here Rebecca Swinson recently joined my Lotto Magic downline as a Power Captain! If anyone is interested in Lotto Magic, please join thru Rebecca's link. The Power Captain option will bring you the most monthly commissions AND you'll have tickets twice a week in Powerball and Fla Lotto: http://www.freelottomagic.com/?R9100 You earn $50 monthly from Power Captains on your first level, and $4 monthly from Power Captains on levels 2 thru 5. Plus 10% of any and all winning lottery tickets within 5 levels under you.
Join before the end of this month so you'll have a ticket in all 8 drawings in March for 30-state Powerball and Florida Lotto.
You can also join by calling 1-850-864-2251 and give Rebecca's ID code as your sponsor, thanks! Her ID is R9100 Tell them you want to be a POWER CAPTAIN, that's where it's at!!
I earned so much in 2008 that I had to PAY taxes. I hardly do anything to earn it either, just tell people to visit the site. The little movie is still showing the old highest position, they WILL have a new movie soon telling you how you can earn a LOT MORE $$$$$$!!!!!! (as a Power Captain)
Rebecca's link to join thru: http://www.freelottomagic.com/?R9100