Did you ever wonder why when you join a program or
business on the internet you have to pay THEM to advertise
THEIR website or program? Think about that for a second..
Did you ever have to pay an employer to work for them??
I often wondered about this in regard to online "business".
I don't know about you, but I'm sick of paying monthly fees.
Well, I found something I think you'll find very refreshing!
A company that pays YOU to bring in business!!! You don't pay
them. Now doesn't that make just a little more sense?!?
I couldn't even believe it.. I looked and looked for the
fine print, the "qualifications" or where to "upgrade". I
even contacted them with "How much does this cost?"
Well, guess what..... it's FREE! ...AND you can make BIG money!
I have been on their site for the last several hours checking
it out.. there were over 400,000 people on the site!!!!!!!
Read on.. (this is long for me : )
The affiliate program is a completely new and powerful
take on other affiliate programs. This program is
fundamentally different from traditional affiliate
programs in several ways:
Maximizing Customer Lifetime Value
The average customer made 9.2 purchases in 2006 more than
four times the industry average. Partners benefit from the
increased customer lifetime value provided by superior
installed-base marketing, best-in-class customer service
and industry-leading customer retention.
Your Growth Accelerates Exponentially
The result of people casually telling others creates a compounding
growth effect that rapidly scales the size of your "passive" network.
Many of the new customers you acquire will refer additional customers,
who in turn will refer even more customers. This pattern continues so
your network and royalties build over time with no effort or intervention
from you.
This is what mlmer's only dream about! : )
Find out more about this exciting NEW opportunity!
You're going to be surprised..
Go to my new site, check it out and click on "Affiliates" at the upper
right and watch the short flash presentation at the bottom of the
next page. Then get a F R E E affiliate account!
Frank Lefebre
PS I have TONS of places to advertise!