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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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Akiane Kramarik, a child prodigy
2/21/2009 7:13:40 PM

Akiane Kramarik, The Child Prodigy

She is widely known by now in many countries, and has been featured already in forums everywhere and here at Adland. Some time in the past I heard of her, but did not pay much attention – until recently. I just needed to view her art!

The Self-portrait (at Age 4)

Akiane Kramarik is now a delicate girl of 13 who lives with her parents and siblings in Idaho, USA. She sketched with great mastery since she was four, drawing attention internationally, and featuring as special guest at many highly ranked TV shows. Boys and girls the likes of her are sometimes referred to as indigo children.

The Butterfly Passion

Her paintings are sold at prices ranging from 22 to 55 thousand dollars. She does big charity contributions to alleviate poverty and hunger, mainly among children.


Akiane is also a most praised poetess and speaks Russian, Lituan and English. She credits God for her talents and her greatest wish is for “everybody to love God and one another.”

The Pyramids

Akiane studies at home only by the homeschooling system and she rarely watches TV.

The Change

With regard to her education, she comments: “I love to only study at home. Thus I have more time to pray, paint, write, spend time with my family, and play with my little baby brother and my doggie. I really like Homeschooling.”

On My Knees talked with Akiane and her mother Forelli Kramarik about her art and her relationship with God. Mistress Kramarik comments for how her whole family did not believe in God and converted to Christ because of Akiane’s visions when she began to have them at age four.

The Prince of Peace

It is those visions and talks with God that drove Akiane to her art. Her mother stressed on the girl’s rising daily at 5 am for prayer and to begin her painting.

Akiane described her experiences: “Every morning and evening I converse with God. It is as if a voice in my mind is talking with me.”

* * *

NOTE: I hope to resume very soon my series on the "Great Masters of the World" which I had to put off indefinitely for lack of time. In the meantime, I will try to feature other great artists of our time

Best Wishes,

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Phillip Black

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Re: Akiane Kramarik, a child prodigy
2/21/2009 11:01:24 PM

Hello Luis Miguel,

Unfortunately I don't get by to visit these days as often as I would like.  What a wonderful surprise to stop by to find your Post and a such a Blessing to find that you had brought us this inspiring Child and her Gift from the Father.  As the Lord spoke through the Prophet...

"The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them." Isaiah 11:6 (KJV)

Would that we all could open our hearts and our minds to the pure and simple Faith of a Child and be led to accept the Pure Love of our Lord and Savior.  It would truly be a Beautiful World.  What a Blessing that Akiane's parents chose to accept this precious child in the Spirit of Love as given by the Father, rather than turning their backs on Him and destroying His Precious Gift.  One must wonder how many more of His gifts have been destroyed without ever having a chance to be a Blessing such as Akiane.  Pray for them that their hearts will be opened to His love. 

Thank You again my Friend.  You have truly lifted my Spirit and lightened my days.

God Bless My Dear Friend,


Follow Akiane's Example And Spend Time In The Word Each Morning and Evening, And Your Days Will Be Filled With Blessings. 


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
Roger Macdivitt .

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Re: Akiane Kramarik, a child prodigy
2/22/2009 9:51:47 AM


What can anybody say?

This young lady is wonderful.

I watched a television program here in the UK about child geniuses and she was featured.

She is just such a lovely well balanced young lady with a phenomenal talent.

Her faces in particular are magical.

To be able to paint like she does without lessons on technique is beyond my comprehension.

I love the more abstract stuff too. Who knows where she will take us.

Thank you for reminding me to look further at her work.

I shall return to see others comments.


Judy Woodson

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Re: Akiane Kramarik, a child prodigy
2/22/2009 10:22:03 AM

Wow, Luis Miguel. These are really awesome. Back in the days when my computer still showed videos, I saw one of this person on YouTube, but there are some here I hadn't seen. The Prince of Peace and The change especially resonate with me.

Thanks for sharing.


Sarah Pritchard

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Re: Akiane Kramarik, a child prodigy
2/22/2009 11:37:40 AM
Dear Luis,

I'm so glad that Roger asked me to come over here.

Akiane must be an angel.

Such talent.

Interesting that she has been called an indigo child. Someone suggested that my Raymonde was one of those. I will see how she develops.

Akiane has a God given gift which is amazing and so inspiring.

Of course, I love The Butterfly Passion. The way the horse is entering the scene is beautiful and I see the bubbles around the butterflies as protection. Butterflies and angels are connected. This painting says so much to me.

The Change resonates. I am amazed by nature's paint palette and Akiane has captured nature's beauty here. Wonderful.

The Prince of Peace's eyes look right into the depths of me. Incredible.

There is such a gentleness about On My Knees.

I have had an uplifting visit here today.

Thank you and angel cuddles,


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