Dear President Obama:
Peace be with you.
Before I begin, I want you to know that this letter has been posted on the Internet. It is my intention to have others sign onto this document as a petition in form and content, and should they also agree, have them print it out, and send it you and their local and state elected officials as the law allows.
To begin, my purpose in communicating to you at this time is to express my concerns over what you and your new team have done thus far and how deeply concerned I am at most of those decisions.
First and foremost, I did not vote for you due to your stand on human life and in agreeing that children can be murdered within the process of partial birth abortion. Moreover, I now find that you have over turned former President George W. Bush's ruling and are presently allowing tax payers money to be given to other nations for the sole purpose of killing innocent babies; you are doing so with no one in place to make sure where the funds are actually being spent; it is sad that you would engage in this culture of death and in sending a horrible message to our young people over the sanctity of all life.
To continue, like many other Americans, I too am taken aback by the way our tax dollars are being used to bail out major corporations while we here in the private sector are left with nothing to look forward to in our need for monetary relief. While you are spreading our money around sir, do the just and honorable thing and return it to us so we can dispense what is ours for our own particular needs.
To continue, and as a citizen of the United States of America, I formally direct, and as granted me in the Bill of Rights and the US Constitution, that you cease and desist from distributing any more of our tax dollars as defined above. Furthermore, I direct that you allocate the remaining $ 350 billion dollars earmarked for Corporate bail outs to be distributed to the American people ( excluding our elected officials and corporate CEO's and their family's ) in the form of a tax free cash advance to be used to " stimulate the economy, " thereby allowing us to re-invest it into the America we all know and love as we see fit; three hundred fifty billion dollars, divided up between the millions of American Citizens with social security cards and legal documentation of being a US citizen.
I am positive that when each of you take the time to look into the eyes of the children in America and consider their future and their right to life ( the born and the unborn ), you and the members of the House, the Senate and Congress, will understand the importance of creating a safe and sane environment where all children can grow and prosper as God intended.
To close, I will continue to pray for you and that our Heavenly Father will touch your spiritual heart and mind with His love, mercy and message of hope for all people everywhere.
Trusting all is in order, I remain,
Joseph Peter Buccheri