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Beth Schmillen

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Breakfast at the Raccoon Orphanage
2/6/2009 3:48:34 PM

Breakfast at the Raccoon Orphanage

((youtube id="17e_6sCxFS4"))((/youtube))

Roger Macdivitt .

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Re: Breakfast at the Raccoon Orphanage
2/6/2009 5:04:30 PM

They're really cute.

My wife loved it.

We don't get racoons in England so not too aware of their personalities.


Phillip Black

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Re: Breakfast at the Raccoon Orphanage
2/7/2009 1:55:48 PM

Hi Beth,

Thanks for sharing such a Cute Video.  When I was growing up out in the country I used to see quite a few of the little guys, however, there aren't too many hang around the city.  Kinda Miss 'Em.

Thanks Again.  As my old Buddy Rocky Raccoon would say...

Have A Terrific Weekend,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
Rinna Rani

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Re: Breakfast at the Raccoon Orphanage
2/8/2009 3:15:47 AM
Hi Beth,
Oh my goodness, they are so adorable.  I enjoyed watching it, laughing and adoring them at the same time.

This is truly superb.  You are such a sweet person for doing this.

Happy Valentines Day!


Beth Schmillen

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Re: Breakfast at the Raccoon Orphanage
2/8/2009 8:53:44 AM

Hi Roger,

I'm glad you and your wife liked seeing the racoons. Maybe their native to the Americas? I don't know. I'll have to do a search on that!

I had a racoon as a pet when I was young. I named her Calpurnia (sp?) after one of the mothers of Shakespear's Romeo and Juliet... or Cally for short... she slept on my pillow above my head and her little paws would play with my rollers (we all had rollers in our hair in those days while we slept!...well before hair blow dryers) and by morning they'd all be unrolled! LOL

Cally must have gotten out of the house because she was hit by a car.
They're very clean animals but from what I understand they can get surly in their old age ... My friend Georgine had one also but hers lived a long time but didn't get surly!

Have a great day