Yes Arron your very right there was no warning given when they closed Bizpreneur and now they reopened it. Any one who was a gold member if they notify me then I will reinstate there gold membership.
Also Aaron I think you were owed 15. or 20.00 so if you send me your pay pal # I will send you the money, as far as getting paid for gold at the time it was only getting paid from monthly activity and since it was not doing good there was nothing to get paid out on but the referrals.
No one is trying to rob any one and I hate to think that it was any sort of a scam, I like to give people the benefit of the doubt. I think the owners just got into a situation they had no control of.
And yes we both you and me made both bizpreneur and lazzeo are life at that time we spent countless hours. But I still believe in the community and as far as I know every one has been paid from the referrals if they contact me.
So I am still giving my support to the both communityd because I believe in the friendships. I will not give up on that.
send me your paypal info to my email, I will put your money in today,
Kathy Hamilton