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Trina Sonnenberg

784 Posts
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A personal note...
1/28/2009 10:01:53 AM
Please forgive me for not being around much these days. I appreciate the time that you take to read me, and visit my pages; honestly, I do.

I have been going through a life changing experience, to be truthful, and it has occupied my psyche 100%.

Other than promoting My Journey, the book I published last year, to save my home, I have written another book. The manuscript is finished. I am in the process of doing revisions and other editing, but the story is told. I've written more than 300 pages!

As soon as I have finished making these revisions, and get the approval of my husband/editor, I will be shopping for an agent. Even with the manuscript finished, there is still much work to do. (I have to get my husband to do the cover art for me.)

I've also been spending time studying. I am into a personal growth groove. It has been awesome!

I'm not ready to jump back into the Internet yet, but I am getting there. I hope you understand that I'm chasing a dream, and it is closer to being in reach than ever before.

I love you all, friends and readers. You are the best!

If anyone is interested in receiving a electronic copy of the first few chapters, for review, please contact me here:
Trina L.C. Sonnenberg Freelance Commercial Writer TLC Promotions & The Trii-Zine Ezine ISSN 1555-2276

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