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Thomas Richmond

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Building Confidence
1/24/2009 2:41:01 PM

“I can do all things through him who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13 NAS)

Do you respond to God’s direction, even when you don’t understand what’s going on?

Part of the strength God gives you to “do all things through him” is the ability to choose to do his will, even before you know the full implications of what that means. He will begin to change your “wanter,” developing within you more and more of a ‘want’ to do his will.

But this is where we often stall in our steps toward being more like Jesus. We get into a battle of wills with God, wanting him to reveal his plan first, and only then – when we have a full understanding of his plan - will we decide to respond, or not.

But that has us walking by sight, and not by faith, the exact opposite of how God teaches us to walk: “We live by faith, not by sight. (2 Corinthians 5:7)

Am I willing to decide – in advance – that I will do what God asks me to do, no matter what it is? Am I abandoned to him and his will, believing he will strengthen me to do all the things he asks? Or do I behave as if I believe I am the final judge of what is best for my life: “God, show me the whole plan, wait for me to understand, and then I’ll decide whether or not to do what you ask.”

The Good News is that, even if you’re not ready for immediate obedience, God will give you strength to be honest with him. He already knows about your hesitancy, so he won’t be surprised by prayerful confession, such as: “Father, I'm not sure I'm ready to do your will. I don't know if I want to do it or not.”

Yet God is gracious and patient. Tell him, “I don't know that I’m willing to step out in faith without first knowing everything that’s going to happen, but I'm willing to be made willing.”

So what?

· Build your confidence in God – Each time you take a step of faith, your confidence in God will increase, as you see that he is waiting for you on the other side of your decision.

· Polaroid vision – Each time you take a step of faith, God will reveal more of his plan to you. It’s what Rick Warren calls “Polaroid vision:” You can see God’s picture developing, but not all of it is visible right away.

· Grow into God’s vision – You may be frustrated that God hasn’t shown you the whole picture of his vision for you, but he may be holding it back because he knows you will be overwhelmed by what you see. He’s calling you to a God-sized mission, one that will appear impossible for you to complete. But that’s the point – there’s no way you can fulfill your mission without God and his strength working within you.

· Relax in God’s will – If you think discovering and following God’s will depends entirely on you, then you’ll probably start getting nervous, wondering, “Am I taking the right step here? Have I missed something?” God doesn’t need you to figure it all out; he’ll provide the answers as you need them.  Thank you for reading. I do try my best and i hope this helps you too. God_bless you. Bizzy Thomas (Prayerwarrior)

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Nick Sym

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Re: Building Confidence
1/24/2009 6:38:59 PM

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Thomas Richmond

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Re: Building Confidence
1/24/2009 8:07:41 PM
Thank you Nick for the post,  God_bless you my friend :)
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Kim Stilwell

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Re: Building Confidence
1/25/2009 12:15:34 AM

Another picture saved!

Tom, what a well put together teaching! There is weight to this message, and it is worth meditating on. I'll just be that the person who does "think" on it, will soon be confronted with an offer to take a step of faith! God confirms his Word with signs following!!!  Oh boy; I am wound up!

There is no condemnation in Christ, so this Word, as you did point out, is not intended to make a person feel like, "I dont' have the faith I should have," is intended to Encourage us to Step toward the higher road! It is God calling us to, Become as a child and simply believe, and all things are possible to them that believe.

And funny, but while to us, we "see" the goal and victory as whatever it is God is telling us we will gain if we take the step of faith, but God "knows" it is the "building of greater faith" in us that is both his and our greatest goal and victory and is what yeilds the "greatest Pleasure."

We are often so human!  So that we "...walk as mere men..."  but God is calling us to come out and up and walk as a son or daughter of the Most High.  And that goes for you, and you, and you!  And me too! "Where your treasure is there will your heart be also."  These scriptures are there for the looking them up.

We need never condemn ourselves, because that only brings us down!  But rather...look up! To see and perceive the riches and glory and sheer...Pleasure...of walking around with the Holy Ghost full in you, and "seeing" miracles, however great or small, occuring all the time!  And God is not like man; he doesn't get weary of giving his children good gifts! 

Remember...To he who has, more will be given, but to he who has not, what he has will be taken.

Tt may not sound fair in man's reasoning, but in God' get more because you desire more and what you desire is Him!  He loves that most! And will reward any and all of us for it.  

It's not as easy always as one might think to put together the teaching you did Tom, so with that in mind, I Encourage us to take the same effort to perceive the deeper meaning God has in it, as you took in writing it. 

                  Amen, love again, Sis Kim

Thomas Richmond

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Re: Building Confidence
1/25/2009 11:01:22 AM
No its not easy Kim, it weighs on me at times when i notice the responses, in having that said i know theres nothing i can do or say to change others as God would want them to, Grace is a blessing. And like rabbi Jesus i can sympathize with peoples weakness including mine. Hebrews 4:14-16 teaches that. God_bless you preacher girl, have an awesome Sunday :) Bizzy Thomas
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