
Has anyone tried these FREE Leads from GL4F?
1/19/2009 5:47:21 PM

Hi Adland,

Has anyone tried these FREE Leads from GL4F?

I put a link on my website for a company that offers tons of completely FREE LEADS.  They do have an upgrade option for only $30 for 100,000 leads, but anyone can signup for free...and get 5,000 Free leads a month. 

They have the names, emails, phone and real address on all of them.  And, there are supposed to be only a month or so old opp seekers.  I mean come on, even if they are anything but spectacular... they are FREE.  I have received my leads, but I haven't done anything with them.  I just joined them last night.

Has anyone tried them (GL4F)?  And...?

P.S. Does anyone know how to email in bulk to these numbers...1,000 or 5,000 or something like that. 

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