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Let Us RAVE Bogdan!
1/15/2009 6:42:55 PM

Let's rave about Bogdan in LinkedIn.

     When You sign-up, join my Network

It is listed in Bogdan's profile ;)

I am campaigning for an AdlandPro Group in LinkedIn.

To Inspiring Beginnings in 2009!

Borrowed quote from a LinkedIn Network poster.

" more eyes more buys"

A few of many established LinkedIn groups


 <-- click.  If you are logged in on LinkedIn.

The Military Network, I am one of the managers of this group.

Disabled American Veterans, I am a Life Member of Chapter 14 in Philadelphia ~ My personal Invitation to connect.

 International Veterans are WELCOMED! My personal Invitation to connect.

 My personal Invitation to connect.

Joan Fleischmann

228 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Re: Let Us RAVE Bogdon!
1/16/2009 7:33:14 AM
Dear heart I thank you, you have helped me tremendously today. May God save us because we are good and blessed.
I am so tired but I keep going because that is all there is.
Do it and take your vitamins.
Love Joan....
Discover wellness with Vitamark, the makers of Limu Plus®. You’ve heard about the nutritional benefits of kelp—but did you know how difficult it is, thanks to environmental pollution, to find a pure, pristine source?We discovered it in the untouched Pa
Re: Let Us RAVE Bogdan!
1/16/2009 9:59:18 AM

Joan are You still up too????

I just meet the owner of ProActive in LinkedIn ~ network connections are budding like Spring :)

Visit link and consider networking!


Ricky Majtyka

55 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Re: Let Us RAVE Bogdon!
1/16/2009 10:30:00 AM

Hi There

I have not read through all of Bogdan's material. But I'm sure it all that. Be sure to read my profile for I have a lot to offer. We be free be's.

Hail to the CHIEF


Ricky L Majtyka 12 Second Commute
Re: Let Us RAVE Bogdon!
1/16/2009 7:55:24 PM
Hello, Everyone... I hope everyone is planning to have a wonderful year in Business, because there is a lot of people looking for something stable and something Real that is actually working for people. There is a lot of people thinking Negative this year as well, there all talking about the Economy how bad it is.But we as Business people can turn this around and turn it to Possitive and share with everyone about how the Computer World is here to stay, and the Eletronic Field is here to stay as well.  So, if there is anyone wanting to Join a Company for Free and they are going forward and planning to bring people to be Fruitful and Productive. Join here for
victor courville