What is link exchange?
Simply put, the more links going to a website the more popular a site will be. Therefore links
are a very desirable asset, often worth paying for. However some very clever people figured
out how to get links for free through link exchange. Link exchange is a very popular method of
increasing a site's popularity by trading links with other webmasters. And the best part is it doesn't
cost anything to trade links with other webmasters.
Here's how it works. You have your very own website full of valuable content and want to
build your site's popularity. You need links! You can either buy links or you can get them for
free. We recommend a little bit of both strategy. Other webmasters with different types of
websites are trying to get noticed as well. By partnering with other webmasters in a link exchange
your helping them get incoming links for free but they're helping you just as much. This is a
great long term strategy to ensuring a continuous stream of revenue. So, if you are interested in advertising your site, let's trade links!! Lola Vanslette http://twitter.com/LolaVanslette