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Jim Allen

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The Gifts of the Jews
1/5/2009 8:31:25 PM

The Gifts of the Jews

The media never tells these stories. Why? The daily truckloads (hundreds) of humanitarian aid from Israel into Gaza, ignored. Have you heard this story? /not. (hat tip Marc)


Above is a picture from an article on 24Nov Yediot Ahronot titled "The Whole Problem on One Foot" by Asaf Veiss. It tells how (translated from Hebrew) "on one brutal day the Hamas captured 22 Fatah policemen. They severely tortured them until they had to have their legs amputated. Now they are undegoing re-habilitation at Tel Hashomer hospital. A touching humanistic gesture? It depends whom you ask. 'It's an embarrasment' exclaims on handicapped IDF soldier under care at the hospital -'they are terrorists in every way' .On the other hand, Dr. Yitzhak Ziv-Ner is convinced otherwise. 'This is a rare instance of reaching out to our neighbors"

... "Zecharia el-Raii: 'It will be a problem to go back home. The proteza has a computerized knee which needs to be charged all night. In Gaza there are always power outages such that there may be a situation where I won't be able to walk."

Why isn't this on the news? Send this to your favorite news shows (not that those dhimmis will run it).

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May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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Re: The Gifts of the Jews
1/6/2009 8:19:53 AM

Miracles and support as
Israel fights for peace

As thousands of Israeli soldiers leave their loved ones to enter Gaza and defend their country from deadly Hamas rocket attacks, many in Israel are seeing firsthand the miracles that come from Christian support of Israel. Read more

IFCJ Renovated Bomb Shelters Save Israeli Lives

In 2006 and 2007, at the request of Israel's Prime Minister and through the generosity of its partners, The Fellowship helped renovate more than 2,000 bomb shelters in Israel. Nearly unusable at the time, today these shelters are protecting the lives of thousands of Israelis. Earlier this week, one Israeli man shared his appreciation for this important work. Read Eli's Story

Lift Up Your Voice in Prayer

Lift Israel up in prayer during this time of war and invite others to join the Prayer Team.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

11253 Posts
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Re: The Gifts of the Jews
1/12/2009 10:19:18 AM

Life in Hamas’s Culture of Death is a disposable commodity, human shields

An Opportunity Lost? Ten Days – and Counting!

 By Ari Bussel  Sunday, January 11, 2009

Fifteen days of constant attention have focused on Gaza.  Reality notwithstanding, Israel is perceived as the aggressor instead of the liberator of its residents from eight years of constant bombardment of rockets.  Hamas has been elevated to new heights, its usage of its own people as human shields and its targeting innocent human beings on the enemy’s side blatantly ignored.

Hamas simply does not care about human life.  Life in Hamas’s Culture of Death is a disposable commodity, the more gruesome the death, the more it serves Hamas’s purposes.  The death of its own people is paraded for hours on satellite TV.  The death of its enemy is a cause for celebration.  Hamas wins either way (although rarely would its leaders be willing to give up their own lives – they are holed like rats in tunnels not daring to show their faces in the light of day or today’s full moon).

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success
