Life in Hamas’s Culture of Death is a disposable commodity, human shields
An Opportunity Lost? Ten Days – and Counting!
By Ari Bussel Sunday, January 11, 2009
Fifteen days of constant attention have focused on Gaza. Reality notwithstanding, Israel is perceived as the aggressor instead of the liberator of its residents from eight years of constant bombardment of rockets. Hamas has been elevated to new heights, its usage of its own people as human shields and its targeting innocent human beings on the enemy’s side blatantly ignored.
Hamas simply does not care about human life. Life in Hamas’s Culture of Death is a disposable commodity, the more gruesome the death, the more it serves Hamas’s purposes. The death of its own people is paraded for hours on satellite TV. The death of its enemy is a cause for celebration. Hamas wins either way (although rarely would its leaders be willing to give up their own lives – they are holed like rats in tunnels not daring to show their faces in the light of day or today’s full moon).